Chapter 2: Hard Deck

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After changing out of my flight suit, I spend the rest of the night catching up with my family. Sitting outside on the covered porch that overlooks the ocean. I listen to Momma and Lisa, while occasionally saying something myself. I mainly find myself staring at the ocean or my brother, being an amazing father to his girls. I end up zoning out listening to Momma rant about a new recipe that she's trying but can't seem to get perfect. I snap out of it when I feel my phone buzz.

Phoenix: You busy?

Me: Nope - Well besides watching my brother live his dream life. What's up?

Phoenix: All of us are meeting at the Hard Deck before we go to base tomorrow. You in?

Me: Hell yah. See you in 15 minutes.

I look out at the setting sun and my brother tickling his daughters, waiting for Momma to finish her rant. "Momma?" I say. "Yes, Hunny?"
"I'm heading down to the Hard Deck to meet up with a few friends before we all head to base tomorrow." She smiles, "I'll see you in the morning then." I smile and say bye to both of them.

"Jackson, I'm heading out," I yell. He yells back, "Don't get into too much trouble."
"I'll try, but you know who I'm named after." I see him shake his head. I wave bye to the girls, before turning back to Momma, "I'm going to be late, don't wait up for me." She nods, and I kiss her cheek before I walk around the house to my blue truck and drive to the Hard Deck.

Stepping out, there's a slight breeze coming off the ocean. My white sundress flies into my tan legs and my long brown hair flies into my face. I wrap my black naval jacket around my upper body. I quickly open the front door and walk in to get away from the cold ocean air. The smell of alcohol races towards me. I take off my Aviators and look across the bar, where I see a group of pilots by the pool table. "Is that Savannah 'Skylar' Kazansky or have I had one too many?" Hangman yells across the bar holding a cue stick and a beer.

I smirk and walk over, "Don't get too excited. I'm waiting for the day you're too drunk to remember me." I turn to Phoenix and smirk, "The question is, why are you here, Bagman? Isn't this assignment only the best of the best?" "Hangman," he corrects. Phoenix laughs, "You're right, Sky." She then turns to the guys behind her, "Guys, this is Bagman." "Hangman," he corrects again. "Whatever," Phoenix and I say together. "Who are y'all?" I ask, nodding towards the two guys behind her. "Payback," one says. "Fanboy," the other says. "Sky-" Payback interrupts me, "We already know you," he nods his head towards Phoenix, "She talks about you a lot." I smile to myself.

Phoenix's attention is fully on Hangman, "You're looking at the only Naval Aviator in active duty with a confirmed air-to-air kill." Hangman smiles, taking in the 'compliment'. "Stop." I roll my eyes, "Mind you, the other guy was in a museum from the Korean War."
"Cold War," a man's voice says from behind Hangman. I shrug my shoulders, "Different war, same century."

"Who are your friends?" The same man asks. "Hey Coyote," Phoenix says. She tells him who the two behind her are, then points to me. "That's Savannah Kazansky. Callsign Skylar." He reached out his hand, which I returned. "Is your dad..?" He asks, but I interrupt, "Yep." He nods and doesn't ask any other question, which I am grateful for. The amount of people who have become friends (or boyfriend) with me in order to meet my dad is insane.

Hangman drapes his arms over my shoulder, "Man, I don't miss you two teaming up against me." He says, looking between Phoenix and I. I smirk at his comment before elbowing him in the gut. His arms fly off my shoulder and wrap around his stomach. I take his cue stick, switching it from my right to left hand and back again. "Wanna go a round? Loser buys winner a drink." "You're on, Kazansky." He squeaks out.

After racking the balls, Hangman gestures for me to break. I walk forward, line up the cue ball where I want it, and shoot. All the balls scatter, and I see that my lucky number 14 green striped balls goes in. "I'm strips," I say, looking up to Hangman. "Who's that?" I hear Phoenix ask. I look away from Hangman, to see a man sitting at a table eating a cup of peanuts. "When did you get in?" Coyote asks.

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