Chapter 06- Part 01

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I couldn't sleep a wink.

All night, I was tossing and turning, thoughts about what might have happened to Ivaan bringing me closer and closer to the edges of anxiety. Even during the little sleep I got, I succumbed to nightmares about Ivaan.

In short, I was extremely sleep-deprived.

Without even an ounce of motivation to go to work, I put on the first outfit I saw and went downstairs to meet Priya and Gopal. They were already in the living room by the time I got there. The two of them looked to be in terrible shape. Gopal sported the darkest pair of dark circles I had ever seen. Priya's eyes were blood-red and extremely swollen. Clearly, they haven't slept well.

We all came to a unilateral conclusion to skip breakfast and head straight to the police station. None of us had an appetite besides knowing that we had to eat. Bidding goodbye to my father, I drove the grieving parents to the station.

Once at the police station, I directed them towards an officer to file their case and headed in to clock in for work.

As I walked towards my desk, Kalisha rushed over to me, worry written all over her face.

"Hey, how are you holding up?" she questioned. I had called her late last night to inform of the incident, and because I needed somebody to lean on.

"It still feels unreal, Kali. I can't believe he's gone," I croaked out, tears welling up in my eyes instantly. instinctively, Kalisha pulled me in for a hug.

"we'll find him, Drithi. Along with all the other kids. We will definitely find them," she reassured, rubbing my back as she said so. After about a minute or so in the embrace, I swallowed my sadness and pulled away from her. Wiping my tears, I looked at Kalisha.

"we will find him," I tried to sound firm, but I doubt I sounded anything like it. I tried to shake myself out of the trance-like state I was in. I had to push through. I didn't have time to grieve now. Many kids' lives were in danger-including Ivaan's. every second that passed was precious.

Kalisha looked at me, the worried look still very much apparent.

"Dee, don't push yourself too hard. Why don't you take a few days off? The chief will definitely agree to it in light of the situation you are in. you don't look too good," she mentioned. I shook my head in response.

"no can do. You don't have to worry. I'll be fine," I flashed a small smile at her before continuing, "besides, I won't be able to rest until I have Ivaan safe by my side."

Kalisha let out a sigh and nodded her head.

"alright. I'll take your word for it then. But promise me you will talk to me if you don't feel good, okay?"

I nodded my head in response.

"Detective Sharma, the chief would like to speak to you," one of the other detectives said, beckoning at me. I muttered a quick "yes sir" and started heading towards the chief's office. I glanced over to Kalisha one last time, who sent me a nod of affirmation, before turning to the chief's office.

I knocked on the door thrice before entering.


I don't know what to say on here. Had a pretty busy week and it's going to get busier. I'm moving to university in exactly 4 days. AAAAAAAAHHHHH! I'm not sure whether I'm supposed to be scared or excited.

Anyways, hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. The next update will be next Saturday. I'll make sure of it!




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