The Concert

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That late in the afternoon, the school had scheduled a musical performances for their last event.

Many booths has closed down and the only one with lots of people are the stage at the front of the school building.

Seems that the school had a concert, starring the students of Raints School.

"If I lose it all, lose it all, AAAAAAAAHH!🎵

If I lose it all, live to die another day!

I'll do anything~~


A horde of applause could be heard as the song ended.

"That was amazing!"

"It's loud but still wonderful!"

"Yeah, its quite unique,"

A lot of good comments came out from the audience. It totally relieves the performers.

"Whoa looks like the music club really go all out this year!" Mika commented.

Both Nora and Shina agreed.

"And now, for the last performer, we welcome..."

"Oh wait, oh wait! I think I know who's this!" Mika cheered excitedly.

"Oh, it couldnt have been them, right?" Nora asked whos also excited for the next show.

"Api and Angin, The Bunkhead!"

Both of the girls squealed upon the reveal.

Then it was followed by a scolding from Shina.

"Hey, keep it down! Its embarassing!"

Well, its because theyre the only two who made the noise.

Geez, it is indeed embarassing.

But wait until they heard this performance.

At the stage, stood two young man. One of them holding a guitar, he wore a blue-white outfit followed by a yellow cap

The other was sitting down with the drum instrument infront of him. He wore a bright red jacket with small white details. The smug look plastered on his face looked even more cooler in the eye of the audience.

"Here, we present our song, Fire and Water!" Angin yelled, which followed by the strung of the guitar.

"Ada masa ku jadi biasa, ada masa ku mahu luar biasa

Mahu ku jadi juara, mahu ku berjaya!"

"Kata orang hidup biar berjasa, Dunia ini hanya sementara,

Berani hadapi semua, harus kau percaya!"

"Ku cuba dan cuba ku tak putus asa.
Terus ikut cahaya!

Ku cuba dan cuba ku tak putus asa, pasti sampai ke sana!"

"I'm fire!"

"And I'm water! Kau memberi ku kuasa!"

"I'm earth and I'm nature, kau membuat ku rasa!"

"Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh-oh,"

"Boy-oh-boy-oh-boy-oh-boy, jangan mudah mengalah!"

"Gagal bukan alasan putus asa,"

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