Why stop?

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"Hm," hummed the long haired female student.

The other two girls looked at each other, "Hey, Nora, what's wrong with Shina?" Asked the ponytailed.

"I don't know, you're the same class with her, right? Wouldn't you know anything?" The twin ponytailed one asked in return.

The other just lift her shoulders as 'I don't know'.

The three students were sitting in the class. They're the only one there. Everyone had already gone home. Except the brown haired student with the cyan vest at the back that is.

"Guys, I'm right here, okay?"

"Yeah," Mika answered.

Nora just nodded.

The Vice President sighed, "I'm actually thinking if I really should tell you about this,"

"Just tell us, Shina,"

"Yeah, what's the problem?"

"The problem is you, Mika!"

"Huh? Why me?"

"Tch," she facepalmed herself, "I've been thinking hard about this. I even had to finish my work from the council early just to talk to you guys!"

"Okay, okay. Spill it out, Shina. You don't have to make a speech here,"

"What did you say?" Shina suddenly raised her voice.

"Hey, hey, calm down! Mika, don't say that!" Nora tried to soothe the situation between the two.

"Tch," Shina sigh again, "Okay. The reason why I want to meet you guys is because I think that we should stop our little agenda,"

"Hm? What agenda?"

"About proving who's our ideal guy in Raints,"

"What? Wait a minute, Shina. Why so sudden? Didn't we agree to it at first? Why now!"

"Urgh! Okay, okay! Let's talk this slowly. The first reason why I wanted to stop is because you guys are doing it all wrong,"

"Hm, wrong? Why?" Asked the innocent girl.

"You know why. First, Mika, you're too bold! DON'T use the brothers. And, you, Nora you just spend your time with Daun!"

"Uh, is that bad?" Nora asked feeling a bit guilty.

"Huh? Well.."

Unexpectedly, Mika sighed, "Ok, fine. I know I'm kinda at fault too. And Nora you just don't realize it so it's fine ok?" She tried to comfort the small girl, rubbing her back.

"Oh.. ok!" A cheerful grin appeared on her lips.

The long haired president smiled softly, 'Pft, I know Mika can be nice to people too,' she thought.

"Ok, the both of you. Here's how I suggest we do it. We'll get the person's consent before anything,"

"Consent? Hey, that's too awkward!"

"Shush shush shush! Hear me out first,"

"I asked Air to help us," the girl began to stand up and walk to the back, where the lazy boy had his head on the desk, asleep.

"Oh, Air? Why?" The twin ponytailed wondered.

"Hey, um, Air,"

Air stirred around before revealing his sleepy face. He rubbed his eyes, "Yeah?" He mumbled.

"So, do you mind helping me, Air?"

"Yeah, if it doesn't take long,"

"Of course!"

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