Fire and Water

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"Psst, psst!" A voice whispered.

"Hn? Oh, it's Api!"

"Shh, sshhhh!"

"Api? What're you doing there?"


Well, as you can see, Api was calling out for just Daun but because of his loud voice, he was found out by Air too.

The hyperactive boy sighed at last. He really doesn't want to be found out by the other boy.

"It's just, come back early today. Angin and me prepare something for all of us," he explained, scratching his nape. His eyes casually avoiding the cyan ones.

"Eeh? Prepare what?" Daun sounded excited. His dark green eyes sparkled.

"Um, you'll see. Anyway just don't stay up too late okay? I'll be leaving first with Angin," he started to walk away.

"Aww, I'm curious! Air let's go home now! Let's go now!"

"Eh! No, no, not now!" The fire boy panicked.

"Huh? Why not?" The leaf elemental was pouting.

"Daun, who will take care of your plants now," Air pointed out.

"Ah, yeah. Okay, Air. We'll get things done quickly now. Let's go!" Cheer the green eyed boy.

"Phew," Api let out a sigh of relief silently. Then he leave the garden.



"Oh, there you are," he greeted his friend as he just arrived at the last step of stairs. "What took you so long?" The fire boy asked.

"You're the one... who asked me... to tell Cahaya too," he panted.

"Why don't you just ask Tanah or Petir to tell him?"

"The student councils were that busy, ya know," he complained again sitting right in front of the entrance.

"Well, unlucky for you," he just shrugged.

"Hm," Angin put a hand on his jaw, doing the thinking pose. "You've changed Api," he muttered.

"What's with that so suddenly?" Api asked still doing his job in the front door.

"I don't know. I just thought that you look... calmed somehow. Did something happened?" Angin teased his lips turned into a smirk.

"I don't know what you're talking about," the fire elemental guy replied without doing an eye contact.

Angin was still wondering. Then, "Oh!" He shouted a bit. "I have an idea what it is now," his smirk widened.

"I-I don't want to know what you think," he said, "Now if you have the energy to play around might as well do the work," he tried to change the topic.

"Okie!" Angin agreed as he begin to stand and help Api do some decorations.




"I'll leave the rest to you, okay? We're leaving now,"

Tanah and Petir had arranged their time so that they can go home early that day as Angin requested. They already told the Vice President about that but, Tanah seems reluctant.

He hasn't walked out and stay there for quite some time.

"Tanah what's wrong?" The black haired asked as she realized it.

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