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Sarah has been here a day before us and seems to have stocked all the cabinets for our two week vacation.

I shift my gaze towards the porch that over looks the sea.

I see Edward and Sarah bicker but I can't hear them.

I open the sliding door a bit and halt when I can slightly hear them.

"Sarah, she's going to be pissed," he says.

"It was bound to happen."

"It wasn't, she seems to be happy with her boyfriend, she doesn't need someone else to ruin it for her now," Edward sternly says.

"They have unsettled business, now they can sort it out while he's he-" she stops mid sentence and locks eyes with me.

"What's going on?" I frown.

"Who's the poor girl you're fighting about?" I chuckle.

Edward shares a look with Sarah before shaking his head and walking away.

I want to say something to Sarah, but she just chuckles.

"We're talking about his sister, so much drama," she brushes it off and follows Edward inside.

I frown and tail behind her.

Everyone is met in the living room as they all make plans for tonight.

"I think we should all just rest and settle out the jet lag," Camilla suggests and Cameron nods his head in agreement.

"I think we should have a drinking night," Sarah shrugs and walks towards the kitchen and places a bunch of glasses on the counter top.

"Yes!" the majority of us agrees and Camilla sighs.

"I'm going to bed guys," she shrugs and then makes her way upstairs.

"It's currently five pm here in Spain, we should celebrate our arrival," Sarah grins.

She pulls the coffee table towards the middle and shifts the couches they ways she wants.

Once we're all seated around the table, she carries the glasses to the table and Jake brings the alcohol.

"Not Tequila," Edward groans.

"Shut it, Business Man," Sarah glares at him playfully.

"Martini Cocktail mixes," my eyes light up.

"Yes, just pop them in your glass and drink it."

I pick up one of the packets that has Martini written on it.

I rip the packet and let the liquid fall into my glass.

"This is good," I nod in satisfaction.

Cameron has been silent since Camilla left.

I shoot him a smile and he nods his head.

"I'm going to go change, I'll be right back," I inform everyone and make my way upstairs.

I slip into my room, pulling off the dress I had on and take an oversized tee, and buttoning it up over my bikini.

I pull on black Jean shorts, matching my bikini top poking out the white, long sleeve dress shirt.

Once I'm dressed, I slip out the door and close it.

"Emma, Hurry!" I hear from beneath the stairs.

"I'm com-"

My eyes shoot up, meeting an all too familiar face.

My eyes widen, taking in his appearance.

He's changed.

His hair seems darker, but maybe that's just the lighting.

He now has a tattoo on his forearm of a rose, a butterfly and vines wrapping around his other forearm.

I meet his eyes again, the same beautiful eyes I fell in love with.

He soflty smiles at me whilst I remain emotionless.

Fuck, his smile never changed.

It still warms my heart.

"Zac," I finally breathe out.

I couldn't mutter another word. All I could do was look for any other changes.

I look at his hands. The scars have healed.

The scars on his face seem to have healed too.

"Emma, I didn't know you were coming, Sarah only said Edward, Jake a new friend and a couple was coming over."

"What do you mean over?" I frown.

"My house," his brows furrow.

My eyes widen.


"I thought Sarah rented a beach house," I admit.

He looked confused and laughed akwardly.

The last time I saw him, I watched his silhouette dissappear.

"You didn't go to college, how did-"

"Got offered a job here, as a professional boxer," he says.

I smile and nodded.

Sarah is going to have an ear full when I get back down.

"You going to join us?" I ask him.

"No, I'm still sleeping off last night when I took Sarah to a club nearby," he says.

I nod again and this time we fall into an akward silence.

My heart ached when he left and has never healed fully.

"Well, see you around," I announce and walk past him.

As I got down the stairs I immediately locked eyes with Sarah.

"What took you so long, Girl?" she shook her head.

"We need to talk," I tell her.

"Oh shit, you saw him," she winces.

She grabs a shooter glass and takes it before letting me drag her outside.

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