F o u r

345 7 0

As I enter the kitchen I smell a familiar smell of eggs and bacon.

Pretty sure Sarah is sleeping off a headache, I frown as to who's making breakfast.

Everyone else is still sleeping.

I spot Zac flipping a pancake.

I want to laugh at the sight if him in a pink apron, but decide against it.

When he turns around he softly smiles.

"Morning," he greets, placing the cooked pancake on the others.

"I thought I was the only one up," I chuckle.

"No ma'am, I've been up since four am."

He turns to grab some salt and pepper, passing behind me swiftly.

"So tell me, how was the whole college experience?" he attempts at small talk.

"Exactly how you'd imagine it, Frat parties, drama and as little studying as possible."

He chuckles at that, brushing past me again for plates.

"I didn't miss out much, just sounds like high school," he says.

I nod, not knowing how to continue the conversation.

"Morning, babe."

I shift my head towards Cameron entering the kitchen.

He places a kiss on my lips and then faces Zac.

"Hey," Cameron greets, holding out his hand.

Cameron knew who Zac was, knew our history and everything, so he wasn't stoked with meeting him, but he definitely didn't show it yet.

"Hi," Zac offers a pressed smile.

He appears unphased, but I know better than that.

I could never fully understand him.

"Morning, Bitches!" I hear Sarah yell as she enters the kitchen.

Everyone offers a morning back and then Zac places our breakfast on plates.

Sarah bursts into a series of laughter.

"Shut up," I hear Zac mumble.

"He looks good in pink," Sarah finally manages to say.

I hit her arm playfully, taking a seat next to her at the dining table.

Cameron beside me and Zac across from me after handing everyone their breakfast.

Once the rest showed up we all finished breakfast and sat with small talk.

Sarah suggested the beach and stated none of us had a choice.

Since the beach was right outside, we all agreed and got ready after breakfast.

"Shit the sand is hot," Jake hisses, running towards the water.

Edward had a huge hat on his head and sunglasses covering his hungover eyes.

I refrained from making fun of him.

Camilla ran after Jake, both now enkle deep in the water.

Sarah and Zac started setting up our towles and umbrellas.

Once everything was in order, we helped one another with sunscreen.

"Come here!" I hear Sarah yell at Zac.

He seems to try and avoid her sunscreen covered hands.

"I have enough you crazy woman," he replies.

"You forgot your face!"

He attempts to run away, but Sarah doesn't give up.

Eventually she sighs and puts the remaining sunscreen on herself.

Zac then approaches me, out of breath.

"She hasn't changed one bit," he remarks.

Once he's not paying attention, my hands covered in sunscreen are placed onto his face.

"You bitch," he glares at me, rubbing the sunscreen into his face.

I offer him a grin and I sit on the towel beside Edward.

Cameron, Jake, Sarah and Camilla start to set up the volleyball.

"You feeling alright, Man?" I ask Edward.

He groans in response.

"I hate Sarah and her damn Tequila."

"She doesn't ever give you a break," I laugh.

Zac runs to help out the others and I remain seated with Edward.

"I missed all of you," I admit.

We sit in silence for a bit, letting the waves and the laughter coming from the others fill our ears.

As the sun sets a bit, I'm back seated on a towel after losing volleyball for the tenth time.

It was the girls against the guys, with Edward as the referee.

An absolute Scam.

Also very tired, Jake joins me under the umbrella.

"You've been on edge since you saw Zac, you good?"

I frown at his question.

"Of course I'm okay, what happened with him is on the past."

"But you loved him," he softly says.

"It was a long time ago, I have Cameron now."

As if Jake wanted to say something, we are interrupted by Camilla that jumps on Jake.

"Tag, you're it."

She then runs off again and Jake just groans.

"Fuck you," he smile and tags me, running off.

“Kids," I sigh, standing up and sprinting towards Sarah.

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