T h r e e

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"I can explain," Sarah immediately tries to defend herself.

"Please do."

"Beach houses are expensive first of all," she scoffs.


"Okay, I recently got in contact with him, for the reunion and everything. He then said he didn't think that it was a such a good idea, but I eventually twisted his arm," she grins.

"Is this why you chose Spain?"

"Yes, I wasn't about to pay for two weeks for accommodation in a foreign country," she states.

"Did Jake and Edward know?" I ask.

"They found out this morning," she sheepishly grins.

"I can't believe you Sarah, you know how things ended off," I sigh.

She opens up the bottle, pouring two shooters, then offer me one.

"You guys were good friends, it would be stupid to avoid one another just because things didn't work out," she claims.

"Besides, it's only two weeks. He probably won't be around much anyway, since he's got a job."

I understand that Sarah tried to come from a good place, but I'm still upset.

He left me.

Now that I've finally found happiness with Cameron, he appears in my life again.

Our heads snap towards Edward's scream coming from the living room.

He's dancing on the table as Jake takes a video.


I turn back to Sarah, taking another shot.

"I don't need Zac interfering, I'm happy with Cameron."

"I know, I didn't bring you here to rekindle anything, I just came here to reunite some friends."

"Yeah well, I don't love him anymore," I state.

Sarah gives me a look, but I dismiss it.

"Let's go back inside, they are a lot more drunk than we are," I sigh.

With that, we head back inside, this time I frown when Jake is missing.

Not paying much mind, I take a shot a unstable Edward offers.

The liquid travels down my throat and my body slowly warms up.

"Baby," the words slur from his lips as he embraces me from behind.

How long was I gone that everyone seems more hammered than I am?

"You are very heavy," I laugh, pushing him off as he practically hangs on me.

“Goodnight baby," he chuckles and then short after leaves.

The night continues as Sarah is the first to finish the Tequila.

Edward then pouts, but soon he's hunched over the couch.

"Fuck sakes," Jake mutters as he had just returned.

He quickly grabs the bucket and hands it to Edward.

He doesn't puke, instead just retches.

Jake then makes his way towards me after spotting me.

"We kinda have to talk, how drunk are you?"

I shake my head.

"Not drunk enough," I reply.

"It's about Camilla, she-"

Before Jake could finish his sentence, Edward empties his stomach.

"Jake," he slurs, again gagging over the bucket.

Jake rushes over to him and sighs.

"Sarah, I'll fucking kill you, you know Tequila is forbidden."

"Aww, you know for a fact you wouldn't hurt me Jakey," she grins and soon a giggle leaves her mouth.

I eye her from where I'm sitting, still not sure how to feel about Zac.

I wish she had told me, I could've had time to prepare.

"Goodnight everyone," I sigh.

I'll leave these two with Jake, he seems sober enough.

"Bye!" Sarah grins big.

Edward just flops his hand, an attempt of a wave.

I shake my head with a chuckle and make my way upstairs.

I halt at the top of the stairs when I see the door at the end of the hall open and two silhouettes stand there.

I remember Camilla choosing that room.

At first I thought it was Zac meeting her, but Zac is much taller than that male silhouette.


I heard soft voices, but it's not loud enough for me to make out a word they're saying.

The light then disappears when the door gets shut and I see Cameron head into our room.

I follow behind him.

"Something wrong?" I ask, closing our door.

He turns around, then shakes his head.

"She didn't know how the aircon worked, apparently it was in Spanish," he laughs.

He is clearly still intoxicated and very much in need of some shut eye.

"We better head to bed now," he suggests and pats the open space on the bed beside him.

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