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Honey had been searching around town before she figured out that Letty had been working for a man named Braga, who is actually looking for two new drivers. So, Honey is currently leaned against her car at Braga's race while she looks at the three men, who have already won their previous races.

"What are you looking at, nutsack?" A guy, with three girls surrounding him, asks as a blonde man walks by while looking at the guy's car

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"What are you looking at, nutsack?" A guy, with three girls surrounding him, asks as a blonde man walks by while looking at the guy's car.
"I don't know, you tell me," Undercover cop, Brian O'Conner, answers him with a shrug. Honey shakes her head because she knows that the interaction won't bode well for one of them.
"The racer wants what Dwight's got," Dwight says about himself in third person as he smirks at Brian before looking at the girls. "See, but, ladies, Dwight's already on the team. You got to be fast if you want to drive for Braga."
"Is there a problem here?" A woman, named Gisele Yashar, asks as she walks over to them, causing Honey to straighten up as she checks the woman out.
"No, I think we're good here," Brian says as he smirks at Dwight.
"No problem," Dwight agrees as he moves back a little, causing Honey to giggle as she walks over to them.

"Are you Park's guy, blondie?" Gisele asks Brian with a raised eyebrow.
"Yeah. Yeah I am," Brian answers as he nods before Gisele looks over at Honey, causing her to get slightly flustered by Honey's beauty.
"What about you?" Gisele asks as she slowly looks Honey down and up, liking what she sees.
"Yeah, I'm here to race," Honey says with a cocky smirk as she winks a Gisele, who turns to hide a blush.
"Follow me," Gisele orders as she starts leading Honey, Brian, and other drivers towards the building. Honey and Brian, along with a few other drivers, watch Campos play golf until Gisele brings Dom up. Honey let's out a defeated sigh as she locks eyes with Dom while he hides a look of shock.

"You all know why you're here," Campos says as he gets ready to swing again. "Good drivers are a dime a dozen. Man, every corner's got a chingadera tuner racing for pinks. That's not what Braga has got me looking for. Braga wants someone that would sell their abuelita to be behind the wheel. Someone that drives their 10-Second cars not in a straight line, but to push it and make it through places no one else would take it. Real drivers."
"So, what are we hauling?" Dom asks as he crosses his arms across his chest, causing Gisele to lightly shake her head.
"For the money Braga's paying, you don't need to know," Campos answers him with a shrug.
"You just said you wanted real drivers. A real driver knows exactly what's in her or his car," Honey explains with a small smirk, causing Gisele to lightly smile at her boldness.
"Mira, real driver, nobody's forcing you to race," Campos' right hand man, named Fenix, says as he stands in front of Honey in an attempt to seem threatening, causing Honey to stand chest to chest with him.
"You the boss?" Dom asks him with a raised eyebrow to take Fenix's attention off of Honey, knowing she wouldn't back down from a fight. "Or am I talking to the boss?"
"Do I look like a boss?" Fenix asks him back, causing Gisele to roll her eyes because she can't stand Fenix.
"My job is to find the best drivers, period," Campos says to stop things from escalating. "I'm running out of time, so whoever wins and is in second gets the info. We cool?" Gisele walks around handing each driver a GPS. "Are we cool?"
"Yeah, we're cool," Honey answers him with a nod as she takes a GPS from Gisele, who winks at her which catches Honey off guard causing her to blush.
"No, we ain't cool, man," Another driver says while Brian takes a GPS from Gisele. "Who's closing these streets?"
"No one. That's the point," Campos says with a laugh, causing Honey to nod since it won't be a problem for her or Dom.

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