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The next night, Honey is dancing with the crowd in the club that Campos had invited her to. Honey spins around before her eyes land on Brian, who is playing pool. Honey shakes her head before noticing Dom over by the bar. Honey dances her way through the crowd before she touches Dom's shoulder as she walks around him to stand beside him. Honey motions with her head to Brian, who starts making his way over to them while Honey turns around to order a beer.

"That's too bad about Dwight," Brian says as he sits on the other side of Dom. "Having the Feds raid your house the same night you make the team. So, unfortunate."
"I wish I could say I was surprised to see you here," Dom says with a shrug while Honey turns to look back out at the crowd in hopes of seeing a particular brunette. "What's to stop someone from telling them you're a cop?"
"Probably the same thing that's keeping me from telling them why you're both really here," Brian answers him with a smirk.
"I'm here for the job," Honey states with narrowed eyes while Brian looks at her unimpressed.

"What up, fellows? Lady?" Campos asks as he walks up beside Honey before clapping Dom on the shoulder. "Come on, lets have a better time." Campos leads them over to the VIP section. "How's your car? It took a nasty bump."
"It'll be ready," Brian answers him with a nod as Honey sits beside Dom while fixing her skirt before crossing her legs.
"I also heard you just got out of county," Campos adds as he looks over at Brian with analyzing eyes.
"Yeah?" Dom asks Brian with a slight smirk, knowing that it is a complete lie before trying to get Brian to slip up. "You know a guy named Jim Garcia?"
"Nah. Big place. Lots of names, lots of faces," Brian answers him with a shrug.
"And you, you're wanted by a lot of people," Campos says as he turns to Dom, who smirks with a shrug.
"Yeah, that kind of heat can't be good for business," Brian retorts as he smiles at Dom in challenge.
"Yeah, well, that depends on how you look at things," Honey says in Dom's defense without even thinking twice to defend her friend.
"Yeah, I go down. I do time. I do real time," Dom explains as he looks over at Campos. "I don't know about your other drivers, but when I see flashing lights in my mirror, I don't stop."
"And neither do I," Honey adds with a confident nod.

"Do you three know each other?" Campos asks as he leans back in his chair to look at all of them.
"We've worked together before," Honey answers him with a slight smirk as she points at Dom.
"He used to date my little sister," Dom says as he motions to Brian.
"I see," Campos says with a smile before letting out a chuckle. "You're a lucky man."
"How's that?" Brian asks him confused.
"You're still breathing," Campos answers him, causing Honey to smile before Campos hands them each a shot. "To the ladies and men..."
"Just ladies," Honey quickly corrects him, causing Campos to nod with a understanding smile.
"To the ladies we've loved," Campos says as he raises his shot. "And the ladies we've lost. Salute."

"So, what's Braga about?" Brian asks after they take the shots.
"You know, he's just one of us. Came up from the streets. Down to El Barrio. Now he's a shot caller. The boss of bosses. See all these cats in here? Any one of them would die for Braga," Campos explains as he looks around at all of the people in the club.
"Including you?" Honey asks him with an raised eyebrow, since she could tell he was the type to take what he wants when he wants it.
"Especially me," Campos answers her with a nod, making Honey wander if Campos was just a cover and the man in front of her is actually Braga. A man walks over before speaking in Campos' ear. "Enjoy the party, fellows and lady. Club's yours. Whatever you want, booze, broads, it's all good."

"Braga's mine. I'm taking the whole house down," Brian tells them before getting up to follow after Campos.
"You find the car and I'll see if I can't find the right hand woman," Honey proposes with a smirk, causing Dom to nod before they each make their ways to the dance floor. Honey catches sight of Fenix, who is getting off of the elevator that goes to the garage. Honey glances around to see if she can see Dom before she starts making her way to the elevator. Honey makes her way down to the garage before looking around. Honey can't help but to admire the green Ford Torino that Dom is looking for.

"Something interests you about this car?" Gisele asks as she slowly walks over to her, since she had taken the stairs down to the garage having seen Honey get on the elevator.
"Just admiring the body work," Honey answers her as she glances at Gisele while slightly dragging her fingers across the hood.
"Are you one of those girls who prefers cars to men?" Gisele asks her as she walks in front of Honey, who had stopped by the front of the car.
"I'm one of those girls that appreciates a fine body, regardless of the make," Honey answers her as she looks Gisele up and down, causing Gisele to look at her in slight shock since she hadn't expected Honey to be so foward. "Your car?"
"No, it's Fenix's," Gisele answers her as she glances at the car. "He'll meet you at the rendezvous. He'll be leading you." Gisele walks over before she sits on the hood of the car with a smirk. "So, now that I know your taste in cars, tell me, what about your men?"
"I'm not into men," Honey says as she takes a step towards Gisele, who holds her breath without realizing it because of their close proximity. "But my taste in women is easy. She's just got to love me unconditionally, no matter how much chaos I cause." Gisele releases the breath as she and Honey lock eyes and it's almost as if the world stood still in a cheesy way. "What about you?"
"I guess it all starts with eyes. She's got to have those kind of eyes that always show that she's about to cause some chaos," Gisele starts explaining with a small smile on her face as she remembers what Honey said about chaos. "Kinda down to earth. Isn't afraid to get a little engine grease up her arms but knows how to dress it up at the same time. Will do anything defend her friends or family, even if it means getting herself killed in the process."
"That almost sounds exactly like me," Honey says with a teasing smirk, causing Gisele to smile. Honey places a quick kiss on Gisele's cheek before going back to the party to find Dom. Gisele touches her cheek before shaking her head, knowing that she is in over her head with Honey.

"So, I found the green Torino," Honey says as she walks into the Toretto garage later that night since she wasn't able to find Dom at the club, causing Dom to look up at her from where he is working on his Dodge Charger that Letty had saved. "And I know who it belongs to."
"Who?" Dom asks as he wipes his hands on a towel before grabbing his beer.
"Fenix," Honey answers him simply, causing Dom to nod in understanding. "He will be leading us to the rendezvous point." Dom turns to face the Charger as he thinks about what he can do to take Fenix out. "Dom?" Honey doesn't get an answer. "What are you going to do?"
"I hope your car doesn't have sentimental value," Dom says as he turns to face Honey with a plan in mind.
"There will always be another car," Honey explains with a shrug, since she had learned long ago not to get attached to her vehicles especially with the risk of wrecking.
"I'm going to blow up my car as a diversion," Dom says as he walks over to the extra NOS tanks in the room before picking one up. "Then I'm going to kill Fenix."

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