02. Regrets.

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Regret hit Harry like a train the following morning. That combined with lack of sleep made him feel weary. He had stood at the doorway and watched Zayn, his  boyfriend of nine months, five days and six hours walk out of his life easily without putting much of a fight. But then again, he threw in the towel first, didn't he?

He walked inside his office without a hello to anyone. Not even the usual wave to his bubbly assistant Perrie who hurriedly went to make her boss much needed coffee seeing his gloomy face.

Harry was the owner of a freight company with offices based near the airport.

His best friends Niall and Justin worked for and with him. Niall was the accounts manager. Justin, the head of HR and also business partner. The latter had been human resources manager for six years when Harry recruited him to join the company three years back.

"I'm unavailable all day." He told Perrie who nodded yes boss then closed Harry's door after handing him the coffee. He slumped at the chair behind at his desk and stared at his phone. No missed calls or messages from Zayn.

He smiled at his screensaver. A beautiful snap of Zayn with eyes closed and tongue sticking out of the side of his mouth. He debated calling him when there was a knock on the door. He looked up as Niall entered.

"So? What happened?" Niall asked sitting opposite him. He was always up to date and aware of current going ons in Harry's life. Zayn's alleged cheating, he knew about that.

"He left me, Niall."

There was another knock on the door as Niall was about to offer condolences. He groaned when Justin walked in and took a seat next to him.

"You look terrible, Harry. Who died?" Justin asked not one to keep up with any current going ons of his best friend's personal lives. Unlike them he has a life. So he always informs them.

"Zayn left me." Harry couldn't believe it himself as he said it. It hurt so much. "He actually left me, Justin."

"Was that after you threatened to walk out on him first hoping he'd get the memo to leave your house without you throwing him out, Harry?" Justin asked.

Harry mumbled inaudible curses at him.

"Whats that? You expected some sympathy from me?" Justin huffed a sarcastic laugh. "I know the drill, Harry you probably picked a fight with Zayn for no reason other you want to go back to living on your own. Two weeks after asking him to move in with you, he leaves?That has commitment probe Harry's doing all over it."

"Consider yourself misinformed, Justin. Zayn cheated. I remember you saying cheating is the game changer. Harry can't be expected to stay in that relationship to prove he's no commitment phobe now, can he?" Niall said coming to Harry's defence.

"Zayn cheated?" Justin looked at Harry in disbelief. "Why? What happened? Did you guys have a fight or something?"

"I bloody well didn't cheat like he did, Justin. I love him." Harry shivered as his breath shook. He was hurt by Zayn cheating. "I don't think he loves me back."

"Can I take you back to that time you finally brought Zayn to our night out?" Justin gave Harry a soft smile. "He couldnt stop touching you. He was holding on to your hand whilst talking. And he would just stare at you when you talked and if you recalled afterwards I commented on how he sat on your lap the whole time we were there. He has it for you big time, H. It was in his face for all to see. And I have never seen you happy with anyone since you've been with Zayn. You owe it yourself to have a sit down with him, figure this out."

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