03: Where are you now?

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Zayn stared at the picture of Harry smiling, dimples popping. He'd made it his screensaver as his boyfriend looked handsome in the snap. His friend Shawn would tease the shit out of him every time he catches him staring at it.

A colleague once told him Harry looked too good to be true. He laughed it off as jealousy because well, Harry was handsome, effortlessly charming and was friends with the best tailors in Manchester.

It's been less than a year since he, himself moved back to his hometown of Manchester. After graduation he got a job offer at an advertising firm in London. There he worked hard and played hard for five years.

Then he developed an itch. He was in a good job he loved but a longing for a stable relationship and family of his own meant he wasn't happy with his life. He was tired of flings, one nightstands and everything else in between. He wanted a family.

At 26 some might say why the rush. But when you know, you know. He knew he was ready to start a family. What was missing was someone to share that with. He prayed for a homebody to be sent his way.

And the universe answered his prayers and dealt him a handsome homebody who loves his mama in the shape of Harry Styles.

He remembered when they first met. On a wet dreary rainy afternoon outside his apartment building. He'd been waiting for his flatmate Louis as he forgotten his own keys to the flat in a rush to get to a job interview. As his luck would have it no one seemed to be coming in or going out of the building.

His hair was sticking to his forehead. His suit, shoes were drenched in rain when he first laid eyes on Harry. Not the perfect first meet. Those make for a good story later in life, don't they?

Harry had been driving by and stopped to check on him then invited Zayn to wait in the warmth of the car. Zayn hesitant as he'd been as serial killers came in all shapes, he took a chance and stepped inside Harry's car. The freezing cold weather had helped made the choice easier.

The memory made Zayn sneezed in real time. Last night when he left Harry's house he walked twenty minutes to get to the nearest train station barefooted. Waited another twenty minutes for the train that took twenty minutes to get to his destination.

It had taken him twice as much to get home compared to if Harry had offered him a ride. He was glad Harry didn't chase after him. It would have made it difficult if he had. Harry often complained about him not being romantic when in actual fact he was.

Harry chasing after him would be like a scene out of his favourite movie.

But that's not what happened. Harry watched him leave. And all he is left with is an empty heart and a blocked nose.

"Aitchoo!" Zayn sneezed again.

"You're more gloomy than usual, Zayn. Are you okay?"
Louis asked standing at the doorway. "You got flu?"

Zayn lifted his head up to glance at Louis. He smiled when tneir eyes met. His flatmate Louis had the most beautiful ocean blue eyes he's ever seen. "I think so."

"Oh dear." Louis simply said.

"You can come in, Louis." Zayn grabbed a tissue and blew his nose.

"I'm okay where I am. Thanks for inviting me in. You never do normally. Invite me in. So I wasn't prepared to go in. I'm not sure. Do you want a drink? I'll get you warm milk. One minute." Louis said haphazardly then jogged to the kitchen.

Zayn had found out Louis suffered from ADHD and would get fixated on certain thoughts at times. He sees him takes pills and thought it was not his place to ask what the pills actually do to help Louis.

Love Of My Life. (M-preg) ZARRYWhere stories live. Discover now