05: Welcome home.

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"I love her." Trisha cooed at her granddaughter. Sitting on either side of her were Louis and Michael who were obsessed by the little one.

"She is beautiful." Louis said admiring the sleeping baby, tugging gently at her socks. "Whats her name again?"

"Isabella, Louis." Michael answered playing with the baby's soft curly hair.

"We call her Bella," Liam offered. "Don't we, babe?" He said squeezing Zayn's shoulder.

Zayn turned his head to look at him. He was sitting on opposite sofa to his mom, flanked by Liam and Shawn. "You call her Bella, Liam. I call her Isa."

"Bella. And Isa. Isabella. Such a cute play with her name. I love it. It is a lovely name, isn't it, Shawn?" Michael said trying to get his boyfriend to engage in the conversation. Shawn had been happy when he saw Zayn. Cried a little even. He welcomed Liam with open arms but then became noticeably quiet and guarded.

"Yes, it is a nice name." Shawn nodded. He was aware of himself and actions.

His mom put her two cents in Zayn and Harry's situation and expressed she felt Shawn had somehow unintentionally played a part in the break up. That the too close for comfort friendship with Zayn might not have gone down well with Harry who then blinded by by insecurities couldn't see Zayn was telling the truth.

In his prayers for Zayn's return he vowed to keep his distance from Zayn's relationships. He wanted to ask Zayn about Liam and was afraid to. He wanted to pull Zayn in his arms and cuddle him like they used to but was afraid to step in Liam's boundaries.

"Shawn, you're alright?" Zayn frowned staring at his best friend who even though sitting close to him was so distant. Perhaps he should have realised how running away from his problems would affect those nearest to him. Everyone was treated him differently, careful in their words to him, Shawn more so. Were they afraid he'll leave again?

"I'm alright." Shawn stared at Liam's arm slung loosely over Zayn's shoulders. He made sure to smile at both. "I'm just processing. I can't believe you're here."

"Believe it. I'm here." Zayn said softly nudging Shawn's shoulder. "I missed you."

"Like wise. Your baby is cute. I can't believe you have a baby." Shawn said giving him a genuine smile.

Zayn chuckled. "You and me both. It was a surprise when I found out. I freaked out initially. Having a baby was more daunting and scarier that the decision to get on a plane and get out of the country. Things stopped being just about me immediately. I remember when I bought the ticket I'd said to the person helping me, get me on any flight with available seats. It didn't matter where I'd end up. I had already chosen path to take. For the first time in my life I was going to be selfish_"

Trisha scoffed. "Having the baby didn't stop you being selfish, did it though, Zayn. It didn't matter that much to you we were in the dark, you didn't bother to call or email to tell us you were okay." Trisha said looking at him. "I wasn't going to tell you cut short your selfish journey and return home. All I wanted was to be able to sleep at night without worrying I was unknowingly walking past your grave every time I stepped out of the house."

Zayn chewed on his lip as the room fell silent. He'd been expecting to be torn apart by his mom for the lack of contact. He forgotten how her words can cut as sharply like a paper-cut.

"I was planning on contacting you and everyone, mom, but I lost my phone you know I can't always remember numbers by heart." He paused when he felt Shawn's warm body leaning on him as if offering unspoken support. "I am sorry about that, mom. I really am_"

"As you should. I was worried sick about you." Trisha said handing over the baby to Michael looking upset. "You just left me out like that like I wasn't always your listening ear, Zayn. That hurts so much that you didn't reach out to me when you couldn't cope after the break up. And you robbed me the birth of my granddaughter. Couldn't you have called after you had her at least?"

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