The messy scramble

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While walking over to the table he noticed 3 male alphas and 1 male omega, 1 female alpha and the other lady was an omega.

'They've got every corner covered other than betas I guess they think they're easily excused.'

"Hey it seems you decided to join us welcome I'm Chris"

Chris was the one running the shots he didn't seem that threatening. So bakugou smiled and glanced over to the lady next to him. She caught on and continued

"Yes he's Chris then there's Nick, Davis (sitting on either side of Chris) this one here is Charlie, and miss Alexa and finally yours truly I'm rose"
She smiled and blushed

"Right nice to meet you extras I'm bak- king  my name is king" bakugou smiled and for some reason the three male alphas didn't seem all that pleased.

"King? Ha that's a funny name but anyways we invited you to play cards you in?"

"For sure." bakugou smiled...

Yep... Bakugou won, over and over they couldn't beat him, at one point it was everyone holding him as the target even the nice omega lady had targeted him.

Rose quickly realized there was no point in targeting him bakugou knew how to lead them on and how to hide behind the others everyone else also just stopped targeting him..everyone but Chris.

At that point having that many losses had brought down the urge to play the game, everyone wanted out already but Chris wouldn't let them he was so angry and agitated his pheromones were going crazy everytime his mood spiked so did his pheromones the two alphas that were seated next to him had moved.

Chris threw the trio of cards in his hands down onto the table.
"Damnit! Who the h*ll are you?!"

"It's my win again extra.. can't help to notice you might need a break" Bakugou sat back in his seat and looked Chris straight in the eyes he wasn't smiling.

"I don't need a break. Let's go again, where's my check?" Chris looked around but no one had intentions to join in.

"What are you guys doing?" He glared at his group the three alphas just gave him the side eyes and ignored him. The omegas on the other hand were struggling they couldn't help but feel pressured under the alphas glare. Even the crowd was avoiding the area filled with angry alpha pheromones.

"Hey can you control your pheromones?" Bakugou was now the one glaring at him while releasing his pheromones onto the omegas to lift the burden of Chris's pheromones.

"Be quiet who do you think you are? They're fine and they're still in, start the game again."

Charlie the male omega looked up at him worried
"C-chris you can't!"

Chris glared at him but remained quiet charlie gasped and started trembling he brought his hands up and wrapped them on the side of his head the pheromones were placing alot of pressure onto him.

"That's enough Chris your hurting him!"
Nick one of the male alphas finally spoke.

"What right does he have to tell me what to do?" Chris argued back and still didn't take his eyes off of Charlie. Nick grabbed his collar and pulled him in "knock it off."

"H-he was trying to tell you, your check. it's out! Y-you can't play anymore!" Rose blurted out but only looked at the floor she didn't dare bring her eyes up to meet Chris's.

Nick and Chris ignored her they were distracted by each other, one was agitated and the other was mad at how he was acting.

"Let me go Nick."

Nick faltered a bit but wouldn't let go, he stayed quiet and still held onto Chris

"Let me go right now or your in for a world of hurt Nick"

"That's enough! Nick let him go!"
Alexa screamed at them

"Shut up b*tch stay out it!" Chris almost hissed at her.

Nick pulled at his collar again
"Thats real classy Chris! Don't you think you've done enough!"

Well that sure did it. Chris punched Nick and Nick let go of his shirt faltering back Rose screamed and Nick lunged back at Chris throwing him onto the table right Infront of bakugou.

Chris was momentarily stunned and glanced up just to see bakugou grinning while taking a sip of the single glass that survived when he was thrown onto the table.

Bakugou was looking down at him and Chris knew it he was fumed! While Nick was punching him in the abdomen Chris grabbed onto him and kicked him off, Nick fell back and didn't stick the landing he was on the ground with Chris right on him in the next second.

He didn't even catch his breath before he was kicked right in the stomach by Chris, Nick fell back clearly unconscious but Chris wasn't done and before he could do anything else Davis was on him!

The tackle made Chris and Davis fall into the crowd where other spoiled alphas were offended by even being touched and they joined in and fought each other some other omegas started screaming there was blood, someone was bleeding!

Chris got a hold of one of the broken glasses and was trying to stab Davis but at most it only scratched him and Davis wasn't going down without a fight but other alphas got onto Davis for touching them and everyone was fighting everyone.

Chris somehow got out of the tangled mess of people and looked around people were fighting each other and using weapons, pheromones were everywhere and omegas were struggling and crawling on the floor, rose and Charlie were being guarded by Alexa in a corner. 

Chris looked over to where bakugou should have been but he was gone suddenly red eyes caught his attention it was bakugou! He was in the elevator leaning against the railing with crossed arms and smiling. He mouthed the words "dumb little mutt"  and flipped him off before the elevator doors closed.

And what bakugou saw was exactly that Chris looked mad but wasn't as threatening as before with the crowd surrounding him he looked like a dumb small puppy.


Wow one last Floor, anyone wonder what's goanna happen? I've done a chill floor this is a chaotic floor what's the next floor goanna be?

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