Back to work

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Katsuki couldn't sleep well that night. When he woke up his eyes were a little dark and he didn't bother opening his windows something told him today would be exhausting.

When he opened the door he heard his "neighbor" open his door and they both glanced at each other izuku clearly more happy to see him than katsuki.

"Hi! Kacchan good morning"

Katsuki just nodded and started walking toward the casino putting his new mask on.

"Are you goanna be at the casino all day?"


"Mmm I think I will be too than"

Katsuki gave izuku a dirty look and izuku just grinned widely

"I won't bother you Kacchan I'm just goanna look around and see whats there to improve on"

"Just don't get in my way"

With that they walked together and whenever theyre together they always get lots of attention.


Despite what katsuki thought the day would be like it was actually like any other day he looked around and izuku was nowhere to be seen
'he really never showed up around me'

It was pretty normal the usual angry sore loser, the talkative people that wanted to "get to know him", peoples eyes on him, the ones who wanted to seduce him, the cheaters, those who tried to p*ss him off, and those who harassed him specifically they would try to take his mask off

Katsuki had decided to not play games today but just be the dealer that day so it went smoothly.

The day seemed pretty boring to katsuki so he decided to head back early but before that..he wanted to look around again.

Katsuki walked through floors 1-3 but didn't see anything interesting so he decided to just stop there and return.

On his way back izuku showed up right behind him again and katsuki grimaced at the sight of him actually getting a little creeped out

Izuku looked at him innocently and confused at his expression "hmm? Is something bothering you?"

"Where the h*ll were you all day?"

Izuku laughed and his eyes looked at katsuki very amused and cheekily "I was just walking around"

"Liar I never saw you"

"Were you looking for me?" His eyes were bright and his grin was wide his walk was very relaxed but he seemed to be beaming

Katsuki noted it all and found it was seriously amusing watching those kind of eyes. Ones filled with unconditional warmth.

He stayed quiet thinking
And than he focused on izukus voice that rang out from beside him again
"I think... It was more packed than usual"


"Yeah it definitely was fuller maybe that's why you couldn't find me" he nodded as if hed just solved a big problem and katsuki wondered why he didn't notice that but when he thought back to it izuku was right it was fuller

"Just don't cry if you get lost deku"

"Whattt! Why would I get lost I was following you"

The next day katsuki was pretty much healed his body didn't have anymore serious marks and bruising

The bite mark on his arm was pretty much healed as well it took almost 2 weeks and he was feeling better and energetic he was even able to do a quick work out since he woke up early.

Except today he didn't run into izuku in the morning he waited for a few moments and then just left 'that idiot can take care of himself'

Katsuki decided to be on the first floor and he regretted it almost immediately he walked into a crowd of people the first floor was even more packed then the second floor

And people were staring at him he ignored them and tried to squeeze through the crowd with his hand on his mask hoping it'd block all the smells around him

He could barely walk without being against someone around him he felt as if he was being touched and felt all over eventually he made it out and headed to his post right when he sat down people filled his seats and he smirked although he really hated being down here it was never slow to business.

Around noon is when the crowd slowly started to lessen and now he could actually see 20 feet through peoples bodies in the crowd he felt a little bored nobody was seating at his table anymore

Its kinda what happens when your chances of winning with certain dealers are low and all day people have seen that people don't win much with katsuki.

At least earlier Kiri,mina and denki had come down to play with him for an hour but they soon left and headed back to mrs.bakugou

'shes still mad at me' katsuki was lost in his thoughts thinking about it those articles probably caused her lots of work to take down and it caused an overflow of people at the casino

'and there was a butt ton of creeps today' people were getting aggressive thought katsuki they wanted to know who he was. His silence to those articles seemed to have people on edge.
(Megafans, creeps, media who like kept up with those three are the type to go investigate katsuki to find out his identity y'know to make some big story or whatever)

Katsuki suddenly felt like he was being watched intensely he turned quickly and looked around he could tell someone was staring at him and then they appeared in a dark red dress that wasn't anything special just flowy and simple her face was charming and it obvious she was very mature
She had almost no scent clearly a beta who's appearance could rival omegas and alphas.

Katsuki suddenly felt like he was being watched intensely he turned quickly and looked around he could tell someone was staring at him and then they appeared in a dark red dress that wasn't anything special just flowy and simple her face was charm...

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(Imagine the Mask)

Katsuki sat up and stared at her her eyes were green but her hair was blond and long she smiled brightly at katsuki and he stayed quiet

"I heard your king?"

"Sorry but I'm not playing any more rounds"


A new lady ???? And she's a beta no it's not Yao

That's all I had to say I sorta wrote this chapter differently than usual might keep this style idk I think it felt more quick tho it's it

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