the time is now

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Looking over the comments from his interview alot of people just wondered what he looked like and there were a few who were saying all of this was fake and a set up, then there were those who thought my ability to play the game well had something to do with my dynamic.

It gave bakugou a headache and instead of being a host, today he felt like doing something else. Kirishima, Mina and Denki usually come pick him up in about 40 minutes but bakugou didn't want to be escorted today so he left early, leaving a note on the counter that said 'see you later, and bring my suit with you' he didn't dress up in his suit and decided to walk out in casual wear.

Bakugou also didn't have his mask on since today it would be changed and mina usually brings it with her but he wasn't going to wait for them. So he put on some shades and and a normal black mask. And headed for the casino the outside of the building was crawling with media bakugou took his mask off and pulled up his hood to not be suspicious of being too covered up and walked passed them no one noticing anything wrong.

Once inside he pulled his hood off and put his mask back on, his mistake... There were fans inside the building who recognized him immediately from his hair they screamed a high pitched scream and a few of them released their pheromones right away toward bakugou in hopes of getting his attention, it startled bakugou and he took a few steps back some girls lunged toward him only to be redirected to the side by bakugou very easily by placing his hands on their heads.

Some of them weren't that easy and bakugou straight up just dodged them and jumped over them he landed bad and fell and everyone just stopped for a split second and registered it they found it so cute and Literally dived onto him bakugou got up quickly and backed up everyone was piling onto each other and bakugou took his chance and ran straight to them using some of the body's as support and leaping over them he stumbled but was quick and ran down a hall looking for a room he could hide in.

He turned and grabbed so many door knobs, they were all locked! He reached the end of the hall and could hear the steps of them coming closer 'F*ck this what is wrong with those extras??!!'

The crowd turned the corner and spotted him, bakugou looked around and he saw the door that showed the stairs sign he looked at it so agitated the building was 10 floors High! He had no choice he opened the door and ran through climbing the steps floor by floor he was so tired the crowd was following but the noise of their steps were sounding farther and farther they were also becoming very tired and had slowed down.

Bakugou was tired aswell not to mention bakugou could barely breath the whole stair well stank! Pheromones were still being released and he could only cover his mouth with his hands and mask still he climbed untill he reached the 8th floor he couldn't hold it anymore he busted through the doors. The 8th floor was an hotel floor so he was safe.

He looked around and the people were staring at him his jeans were ripped from someone grabbing onto him before and his coat was very wrinkled and he was bent over grabbing his mouth he looked like a hot mess.

Bakugou blushed even though it wasn't visible, since somehow he managed to keep his shades on and his mask intact. Bakugou stood up and flapped his coat back into place and fixed his shades.

He felt so awkward and started heading toward the end of the floor, he turned and waved at them.

At the end of the hall he stopped and looked around and rushed into the bathroom, he slammed the door and now that he was alone he ripped off his mask it was filled with gross pheromones, but he kept his glasses on. He finally took his time and let out so many breaths sounding very tired he slumped over the bathroom sink trying to catch his breath.

Suddenly he heard a bathroom stall open and close..he wasn't alone but at that point he didn't give a single f*ck, he just stayed slumped over not being bothered to look up.

The guy behind him didn't make a sound just stood there and Then he finally spoke

"Hey um are you okay?"

Bakugou was going to answer but he got a whiff of the smothered pheromones again and realized it came from his coat he jolted up and flung his sweater off it landed on the man.

Bakugou stood there looking at him he sighed and then put up a fake friendly face.
"Oh sh*t ahahaha! I'm sorry about that!"

He leaned over and took the coat off of the man's head and bakugou kept his eyes on the coat looking at it disgustingly and placed it on the sink before looking up at the man who was taller than him. The guy had a stupid look on his face and bakugou almost laughed he looked familiar but bakugou couldn't remember him.

The man smiled
"It's alright but are you sure your okay?"

"Yes thanks for asking I'm fine.. have we met before you look familiar"

The green haired man looked plain and normal and was older than bakugou. But he definitely saw him before awhile ago.

"No we've never met but I do know who you are"

"Oh... haha I probably don't look how I usually look like huh?" Bakugou turned his head down and directed his attention to his exposed leg he noticed his shades were still on and fixed them onto place again.

The man leaned in and scanned bakugou from feet to head bakugou couldn't help but to take a step back.

"You smell like alot of people did you get into a fight or something?"

Bakugou shrugged
"No not really, and y'know you smell like alot of people too" bakugou wasn't lying the green man also smelled like smothered pheromones.

"Ah well... It seems people really like being touchy but they're extra touchy with you ahhah" the guy made fun of how bakugou looked.

"Whatever sorry for bothering you I'll be leaving now" bakugou picked up his mask and placed it on his face. He turned and was about to open the door when the mans hands were around him suddenly.


Whoa getting handsy lol.

Reminder bakugou's face isn't fully visible yet he still has his shades on :(+)

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