Chichi pov :
Have you ever fallen in love with a person you least expected?"Pop quiz time ! " Mr.Popo sang.
"Aww ! " everyone groaned.
I dont see what the problem is. They should already know whats ganna be on it. I mean its school.
"Okay class you may start"
7^(4)+4^(2) easy it equals 2,417. I finished my test in 5 minutes it was quite easy if I should say. I took out my book and started rereading dreamland. I must say the book is qutie stupid but interesting. I dont get why Caitlin would go with Rogerson instead of the football guy. He's a abusive drug dealer man. I would choose none if I was her. Its kinda creepy how my life is like this a little, hey I bet other people can relate to this !
" goku son ! No peeking at other students test ! Go sit next to miss mao. "
Man Caitlin go to class dont smoke ! Stupid rogerson.
I turned around and met face to face with famous quarterback Goku son.
"What " I asked him.
"You'd been reading that book since the beginning of the test. "
"Yea and so " I said rolling my eyes.
"Seems like your pretty interested in it . what is it about "
"If you must know it's about a girl falling in love with an abusive drug addict guy. "
"Creepy." I raised my eyebrow at him.
"Hey aren't you a cheerleader?"
I signed. "Yes okay now leave me alone and let me read."
See one similar thing I can relate to. Caitlin is a cheerleader who didnt want to join and got forced by her friend just like me.
"Wow fiesty I can see why vegeta likes you "
Why must he bring up more ridiculous stuff up ?
"I dont care if vegeta likes me. Now please stop talking to me."
"Sorry. Hey do you know that your name means boobs in Spanish. " he said laughing. Thats it I got up and sat next to another football player , Piccolo. He didnt talk at least.
Goku pov :
I got moved next to Chichi mao. Shes my best friend crush. I dont see whats so perfect about her. Yes , she is attractive and smart but shes really rude and blunt. Just like vegeta. Oh my god they are perfect for each other. I decided to talk to her but every time I did she would tell me to stop. Harsh ! She should be happy that im talking to her. I guess I pushed her to the limits because she got up and sat next to piccolo.
Chichi pov :
Soon when class ended I walked to the lockers to get my cheerleading outfit. I dont really like to wear it the whole school day like other girls. I changed from my normal clothes to the short mini outfit. Gosh how tight ! I put my long black hair into a high ponytail and walked to the field. I saw my best friend Bulma and the others sitting in the bleachers watching the football players. I love bulma but sometimes she can be so stupid when it comes to boys.
"Oh hey chichi" she waved at me.
"Bulma can we just get this over with "
Goku pov :
"Hey man pay attention !" I yelled at yamcha.
" damn look at them ! There perfect."
I looked over to see what all the guys were staring at. The girls were all dancing and jumping to the music in there tiny outfits. My eyes should've caught the red head suno but instead my eyes caught the mean brunette chichi.
" Seems like one cheerleader is missing." Vegeta said bluntly.
"Yea shes over there " Turles , my twin brother said pointing at a tall blonde walking to the girls. Immediately bulma started screaming. Seems like the blonde didnt let herself get yelled at because she yelled right back.
"Two girls fighting in cheerleading uniforms. " yamcha grinned.
"Yea and one of them is your girlfriend"
"at least I have a girlfriend vegeta " yamcha smirked.
"Wanna die !? "
Seriously ?
" Vegeta get over it " I laughed.
"Whatver lets just play"
Chichi pov :
"Practice is over " bulma said.
"Finally" eighteen groaned and left to change.
"Seems like mai didnt make it. " I stated.
"I know ! What the hell shes probably with her dad."
Mai's father Is a successful lawyer so sometimes he takes Mai to his business meetings.
"Yo chichi , bulma ! " goku greeted.
"What " I asked.
"Dont be rude chichi ! She means Hi goku "
"Can I talk to chichi alone bulma ?"
My eyes widen. I saw bulma leave.
"What do you want "
"I like you."
"Huh..... WHAT !?"
"I like you , I just started talking to you today but I feel like we knew each other since childhood. "
"Well I dont like you."
"I know but im just telling you. Just saying ill get you first than vegeta. "
"None of you guys will ever get me "
"I wont stop until I do "
"Bye goku." I turned around and started walking to my locker like it never happened. I like you. Those words kept repeating into my head the whole day.
Hey guys if your a fairy tail fan go check out my other story " fiore high " ! :'D.