Part 10

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this is a work of fiction and is based on the Turkish hit series Sen Çal Kapimi.

I've been meaning to post an update earlier this week, but got real busy the last couple of days.. I got home at around 2 in the morning here(saturday, july2) . So here's the next chapter. I hope you like this as much as the once I've written before. Enjoy!!!

"No matter what challenges keep us apart. we'll always find a way back to each other." ~ The Vow


"Don't leave us again, Daddy."

Eda gasps, she haven't heard her daughter's sweet voice for months. She leaned towards her husband and daughter, hugging them both. Serkan, wrapped her girls with his arms and kissed both their foreheads.

God, they have been thru so much. Thank you! We're finally complete.

"Kiraz? Baby? What did you say?" Eda had to ask, just to make sure she wasn't imagining thing.

"Don't let Dada leave us again, Mama." She lift her little hands to wipe the tears off her face. Kiraz, her ever loving sweet cherry.

"Oh my darling. Dad isn't going anywhere." Serkan answered, his arms wrapped around both Eda and Kiraz.

As soon as the crowd disappeared, they left. Eda holding Serkan's left hand, her other hand carrying the basket. Kiraz, was in Serkan's arms, her head leaning on his shoulder. Until they got into the car, she was already sleeping.

"I'm driving. We need to go to the hospital."

"Eda, there's no need. I'm fine. Besides, I have to tell you something."

"No, you can't just fall to the ground like that." He understands her point. But there was really no need.

"We can't take our daughter to the hospital."

"We'll drop Kiraz with Fifi, and we will go to the doctor, together. Serkan, you fainted." He didn't argue. As much as he wants to tell her the real reason, he'd rather wait.

"Okay." He reached for her hand and kissed it. "I always make you worry." She felt him squeeze her hand, giving her assurance that he was feeling fine.

"I thought you'd wake up and we're back to that situation five months ago."

He reached for her face and gently caressed it.

"I love you." He whispered.

"I love you too, Serkan. Very much." Her eyes of the road and gave a faint smile.

They were just at the doctor's office. They made sure, he had no concussion. Good thing the test result came in fast, he was okay. His doctor was sure he was just tired and needs a lot of rest.

Eda was still not convinced. They were on their way home when Fifi called, saying Kiraz was looking for them.

"We're almost there baby, stay with auntie Fifi for a bit, we're almost home."

Serkan on the other hand, was thinking of different scenarios about how he's going to let Eda know that he got his memory back. He had been trying so hard to hide his smiles since.they got out of the doctor's office.

"Serkan? Are you okay?"

"Uhuh.. fine.. why?"

"You've been smiling a lot."

"I'm just happy."




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