Part 16

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                           Walkers POV
💭sh!it why did I kiss her your so stupid Walker💭 once I got home I saw my sister on the couch and my mom in the kitchen "hey" my mom said turning around "hi" I say in a low tone "what's up your @ss?"my sister says not looking up from her phone "language!" My mom yells "nothing jeez" I say sitting on the kitchen table "mhm let me guess y/n" she says looking up "w-what no" I say looking away "yea sure what happen did she not kiss you" she says smirking "none of your business" I say looking at her "alright enough you two here  sweetie" my mom says handing me food my sister sits across from me It's quiet until "ding" I hear my phone

                         Annoying rat

So is it about y/n
                                                      Maybe why do u
                                                   Care anyway??
Just asking jeez

I look up to see my sister smirking I roll my eyes and stick my younger at her my mom nudges my shoulder and gives me the look of "you better stop!" I sigh and just eat until my leg get kick i look up to see my sister sticking her younger out at me I mouth "leave me alone" and then I grab some of my rice and throw a piece at her I make sure my moms not looking though "Moom! He threw rice at me!" She says grabbing moms attention "walker be nice to your sister" she says j look at her In a confused way 💭good thing I'm a good actor💭 "but I didn't even throw rice at her!" I say looking at her with innocent eyes "can you guys just..stop fighting for once please"my sister sighs and leans back into her seat crossing her arms I just roll my eyes and get up to clean my dish and in order to do that I have to walk past my sister while I walk past her I hear a scoff come out her lips I smile at myself 💭finally made her mad💭after I clean my dish I head upstairs to my bedroom I let myself hit the bed and start thing how it's gonna be real awkward tomorrow 💭jeez Walker you always mess things up 💭I was interrupted in my thought when I heard my door open I quickly look up and see my sister "what do you want?" I say laying back down "listen I just wanna hear what happen" she says in a calm voice "why would you care?" I say "when you weren't born yet I use to tell ma that I would be the best big sister I could" she says looking at the ground I look at her and smile "what happen was me and y/n went to the skate park and she brung a guy with her-his name was max and I got a feeling I've never felt it's like I was angry but..and annoyed at the same time and when we were saying goodbye.." I stop and she looks at me almost as if she were telling me to go on without her word "I..kissed her and skated off" I say sighing she nods "listen tell her how you feel and she might like you back" "what if she doesn't?" I say "well..there are many other ducks in the pond" she says getting up and right when she's about to leave she stops "goodnight" she says and closes the door I rethink about her words 💭tell her how you feel💭and I decided I would finally tell her how I feel I couldn't sleep a lot with how I was going to say I like you and then I fell asleep waiting for a long day ahead of me

Hey guys I notice a lot of my reads are like going down a bit so I was wondering what I could do to get my reads up a bit more if you have a suggestion you can comment but yea bye for now<3!

687 words

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