Part 27

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                             Walkers POV
I open my eyes slowly and sit up 💭what time is is?💭I rub my eyes slowly and reach for my phone i pick it up and look at the time 8:45 I sigh I get out of bed and go downstairs I look for y/n in the living room and the kitchen but she's not there I grab cereal and pour some then pour the milk after I'm done eating I go and brush my teeth and hair I go back upstairs and change into a sweatshirt and sweat pants it was 67 degrees and I wasn't planning going on going out today I wanted to make it up to y/n so I decided to clean I have cleaned before since my mom made me do some chores of cleaning so I got to work first I vacuumed then I mopped and did some other stuff when I was done i ordered some food for lunch it was now 2:12 pm I called y/n yesterday 3x but she didn't answer I got kinda worried but tried to stay calm I decide to call her again this time she answers "y/n you don't have to talk or reply to anything I'm about to say but all I wanted to say was I'm sorry I'm sorry for being such a d!ck and I should've ask for your permission to live here I guess I just thought ya know since I'm your boyfriend and all you would let I know its stupid but I hope you love me because..I love you.." silence "I love you too.." Y/n says silently then she hangs up I can't help but smile a bit I guess we're having a bit of an argument but that's love..

"I love you too.." I say before hanging up I sigh and plop on my bed I get deja vu I start sobbing into my pillow I hear the front door open and get up from my pillow 💭holy sh!t what if an intruder came in?!?!💭 I get my baseball bat that dad gave me before he passed away I slowly open my door and peek down the stairs it was my mom I roll my eyes and put the bat back I go downstairs to get a snack "hey kiddo" I hear a man's voice say behind me I turn around to see the guy mom was on the couch with yk "uh hi?" I say looking at him "I'm sorry we didn't meet properly my names Aron" he puts his hand out I look at his hand and shake it "I'm y/n" I say I turn around to get my snack but he grabs my shoulder forcing me to face him "so y/n I don't know if you know this but I'm going to be your new dad" he says "so you will listen to what I say and do what I say got it?" He says I try to hold my laughter in but it bursts out "I'm sorry-" I say he looks at me confused "but I'm a teenager practically so no thanks" I say grabbing my snack and pushing him aside I laugh to myself 💭who does this guy think I am?💭 I go into my room I finally have the courage to text walker and say I'm sorry

                              My world ❤️

                                      I'm sorry I shouldn't have
                                                      React like that
It's fine you don't have to
Apologies I'm the one
That should be saying sorry..
                                            It's fine and yes you
                                        Can live here with me
Gtg bye love!
                                                   Bye my love <33
Well that went better than I expected i smile to myself how did I get this boy? "Y/N!!" I hear my mom yell 💭what does she want this time?💭 I walk downstairs and see Aron with an ice pack on his head and my mom next to him "yea?" I say looking at her "how dare you yea me you know what you did and I thought I raised you better!" She yells I look at her "raise me?!? You think you raised me" i scoff "no! I had to raise myself I taught myself how to cook and I was the one that had to clean because you were too busy sleeping with other guys?!!" I yell at her she looks shook "well..that still doesn't explain why you hurt Aron" she says "I didn't hurt him I was in my room this whole time?" I say confused she looks at me then Aron "he said when he introduced himself you flipped him off and grabbed a cutting board and hit him!" She says "where in the hell would I get a cutting board?" I say "well uh-" she says "yea that's what I thought" I say scoffing and going to the front door "where are u going?!?" She says I put my shoes on and twist the door knob ignoring her I shut the door as hard as I can I start to walk towards the park since that's the only place I can think of it's quiet breezy outside I get to the park and no one's there..practically I spot a bench and walk towards it and sit down I text walker

                             My world ❤️

                                            Hey can u hang at the
                                                       Park like rn?
I'll be there soon wanna call?

                                                Ofc! I'm at a bench
                                   Btw can u bring a sweater?
                                                  Thx we can call now
I call walker for 15 min since he's walking then we try to find eachother once he's at the park "I think I see you!" He yells on the other side of the phone "jump!" I say seeing a blonde boy then he jumps "I see you!" I say glitching "ok I'll go up to y-you!" He says glitching I nod then the blonde boy starts walking towards me "ok talk to me when you g-get near me I'll hang up o-ok?" I say the wind in the background I look at him and he nods I hang up and the blonde boy and I start walking up to eachother once we are close enough I kiss him on the cheek he blushes a light pink "hi did you bring a sweater?" I ask he lifts up a gray sweater and smiles "yup!" He says and hand me it I put it on and look at him and smile "thank you" I say in a low tone "what wrong?" He says looking at me "nothing?" I say "y/n I know when something is wrong just tell me" he says holding my hands "my mom has a new boyfriend and I hate him already" i says he hugs me "aww I'm sorry wanna stay at my place or we can go and I don't know play games and maybe go on rides?" He asks looking down"walker..." I say he looks up at me "y-yes?" He says "are you asking me on a date?" I say teasing him "uh-yes?" He says I roll my eyes playfully and giggle "walker we're dating!" I say laughing he blushes embarrassed "shut up!" He mumbles i cup his face and kiss him "yes I will go on a date with you!" He smiles at me "ok how about we go in a Uber I heard there's paparazzi near by" he says I nod and call an Uber

Hey guys sorry I left y'all on a cliff hanger but I have to go eat dinner stay safe and make sure to drink water and eat today but for now bye <3!!!

1290 words

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