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"Please, please don't kill me. I'll do anything just don't kill me please" I begged to him. I was shaking so much, I could barely see as my tears blocked my sight .

"Shh little girl. I'm not going to kill you. Well not yet." He replied with a big smirk on his face.

"You're sick you know that! Absolutely disgusting!" I shrieked.

"Now, now little girl. I could kill you now if I want to but what's the fun in that? Not going to lie. I did like the little hide and seek game that you played. Very amusing. I must say. But the window trick. Now that was just stupid. Clearly haven't been in this position before."

Well no I haven't been in this position before because it's not everyday that you get some weirdo that you know from college, following you home, then breaking and entering into your house only to say that he wasn't going to kill me yet. Brilliant isn't it.

I looked at him in shock. How can someone be so so disgusting and not afraid to kill a fellow human. I'm not going to beg for my life. If he wants to kill me. let him.

"What now?" I questioned him.

"Well we go back to my place and fuck" he said with 0% of emotion.

I couldn't help but blush at his vulgar language and what he was suggesting.

"No. I don't want to do that. I want you to leave me alone, let me live my life in peace. I don't want any trouble. So you can see yourself out of my house." I replied crossing my arms over my chest.

He bent down in front of me, taking a strand of hair. Tucking it behind my ear before placing his lips near my ears saying:

"You're mine little girl and no matter you will remain mine. Nothing can come between you and I." His breath running down my throat toward my spine giving me shivers.

To anyone who walked into the room it would look like he was comforting me or something but in reality he was threatening me.

He didn't stop there. Oh no. He carried on.

"And if you don't pack your stuff and leave with me then I wouldn't hesitate to murder your parents and your sibling either. In fact I'll probably enjoy it. So it's your choice. You come with me on your own terms and no one gets hurts or I force to you to come with me and I murder your family." He smirked.

"You are disgusting. How do you not feel any remorse or any feeling?!" I questioned him angrily.

"Because darling you are the beauty to my psycho."

British Beauty / Australian Psycho (editing)Where stories live. Discover now