I (edited)

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My hand was clamped around my mouth as I attempted to try and silent my sobs. 

The word scared doesn't even sum up how I felt.

My body was shaking in fear. I could feel the ice cold from the wooden floor as I hid in my wardrobe. I had always had a weird  feeling about the boy that sat about of class with his eyes glancing everywhere, holding contact until you turned your head acting like a predator looking for his prey.

 A loud bang echoed through my house. I was home alone. Why did my parents choose to go on holiday now? I was so nervous. My nerves were getting the best of me. A yelp escaped me before I knew what was happening. 

"Fuck" I muttered to myself. My sobbing got worse. I couldn't stop. I had hoped that he thought that I had ran off or something or jumped out of my window since I had left it open. I began to pray that he wouldn't find me, pray that I would survive and never have to think of this horrible moment again. I heard heavy footsteps make their way up the stairs. I knew I was done for. 

"I'm going to die" I whispered to myself. "This is it. My whole life over. No job. No future. No family. Nothing at all."

The door to my bedroom clicked open. The thing was it was opened softly. Gently you could say. His boots clicked against the floorboards at a smooth pace. He was so full of himself like he knew what he was doing, like he had done it before. You could feel the confidence that he wore. My heart was beating loud and fast. I tried to calm it down. I heard him chuckle a little. 

"Amateur." He spoke. His Australian accent thick.
Then it all turned silent as if he was thinking about what to do next. It felt like years had gone by. Suddenly, the sound of the footsteps began to walk towards me. I could barely see his shadow. They stopped. I panicked. Completely over thinking the whole thing. But he moved away from me and walked towards my bathroom. Why would he go into my bathroom? The familiar sound of my tap being turned on greeted my ears.

Why was he washing his hands? What did he plan to do? Well that's a stupid question Pamela. I bit my lip when I heard it turn off. I heard him walk out and walk in the direction of my hiding stop once again.

Please don't find me. Please don't.

I slid back a tiny bit in fear and one of my hangers swung hitting a part of the wood.

My heart stopped. I'm in deep shit. What have I done? I'm dead that it. I can kiss all my dreams goodbye.

His footsteps quickly picked up their pace before he was right in front of the door.

He pulled them open with a massive grin on his face and the only thing he said was


British Beauty / Australian Psycho (editing)Where stories live. Discover now