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Taylor needed to swallow her pride and tell you she was sorry. She wishes she could go back to December and change all of this. She should've just told you back then that she felt something for you. If she had loved right, it would've been different. But she can't go back in time and change it, and if all your walls were up she understood. You were open when you first came but she shut you out before you could even say "hello." Earlier when you came down she just felt like shit, your laugh was something she could recognize anywhere, setting her heart aflame. She couldn't promise that she could fix this but the least she could do was make you a drink.

She knew the situation was delicate, she couldn't let her thoughts corrupt the situation more. But then some girl came up to you and started flirting with you. You were so beautiful in your dress and it was going to be such a long night. She wanted you to come over to her, she didn't want to share, but she didn't have you in the first place, so she really wasn't sharing you. She should just talk to you; she had nothing to lose anymore. Our secret's welling up in the crowded room, they've got no idea about you and her.

All of the silence, patience, pining, and anticipation drove her up the wall, she just wanted to reach out for you but she couldn't. Her hands were shaking from holding back. So when the girl leaned into you, giggling about something, Taylor's hand gripped the glass in her hand a little more firmly before the fragile glass crumbled in her hand. Taylor gasped, the drink splashing on herself before pouring down her body, and a warm liquid falling down her hand. Taylor turned her hand, as she came eye to eye with blood covering her hands. She ran upstairs to her old bathroom, clanking up the stairs in her heels before turning the corner.

"Um-I should check on her." You said, moving away from the nice girl from your high school, giving her an awkward smile before running after Taylor, wine glass in hand. You had seen her going back to her brewing ways like the first time you arrived. It was like whiplash; her mood changed so drastically.

"Those girls are always running after each other," Feya said as she looked over at Angel, as she stared up at the stairs as you turned the corner. The end of your dress swaying behind you with the turn.

"Taylor?" You spoke into the hallway before rounding to her room, you pushed open the door as you said, "Are you okay?" You froze in your spot when you saw blood dripping on her floor leading to her bathroom. You set your wine glass down on her bedside table and walked to her.

"I'm fine," Taylor mumbled, trying to wash away the blood but not looking at her hand.

You noted, "You are squeamish", as you walked over to her grabbing a towel stopping the faucet, and putting the cloth over her hand. "Do you still have... the white bottle thing?"

"Isopropanol?" Taylor asked, as you giggled at the way she misspoke.

"Isopropyl." You corrected, grabbing her other hand to hold the cloth before leaning down to grab another cloth and the Isopropyl. You come back and look at her hand for a moment before pouring it over. Taylor hissed, biting her lip as a tear fell down her cheek. You covered the new towel on her hand. "You'll be okay." You whispered, "The cuts aren't very deep."

"You're so beautiful." Taylor blurted, she had been staring at you, her eyes glazed over from the alcohol. You tried not to look into her eyes, holding the cloth to her hand, the bleeding finally stopping before you would find some band-aids. "Juliet-please look at me." she slurred, you stopped suddenly, your body jerking before looking down at her cupboards, then looking at her. Everything just stops for a moment as you stand back up, looking into her eyes. "Thank you for helping me."

"What are friends for?" You asked.

"I don't think we're friends-." Taylor started.

"I told you we'd always be best friends-." You retorted, an etched look on your face.

The Lakes - Taylor SwiftWhere stories live. Discover now