[12] Finstock vs. Stilinski

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Kelsey's POV

I immediately woke up from my lovely nap once Coach Finstock annoyingly blew at his whistle. "Two of you, back in your seats." He said while pointing at the two boys sitting in front of Greenberg. I don't blame them for moving, he's probably creeping them out.

"Jared, again, car sick? Every ti...how do you even get on the bus? Look at me. No, don't look at me. Look at the horizon. Keep your eyes...keep your eyes on the horizon." Finstock advised Jared, who has problems keeping his food down while traveling, it's horrible. Once, Jared projectile-vomited on both the boys sitting in front of him and next to him.

"McCall, not you too." Coach continued as he looked at the back towards my brother. God I hope Scott heals soon, he doesn't look so good. "No, coach, I'm good." Scott squinted, clearly in pain.

That's when myself and stiles saw the blood, it was starting to come through Scott's shirt. This isn't good. "Hey, Scott, you're bleeding again. And don't tell me that it's just taking longer to heal, okay? Because I'm pretty sure that still bleeding means not healing, like, at all."

"He's listening." Scott replied, looking in Ethan's direction. "Is he gonna do something?" I asked, also looking at Ethan.

"Not in front of this many people. "

"Okay, well, what about the two ticking time bombs sitting right near him?" Stiles said, obviously taking about Isaac and Boyd. "No, they won't. Not here." I hope Scott's right, surely they wouldn't do anything stupid.

"Okay, well, what if they do? Are you gonna stop 'em?" Stiles asked.

"If I have to."

Suddenly, the bus bounced to a stop, which caused everyone to literally jerk forwards, nearly falling out of their seats. That's when I looked out the windows ahead. Tragic, a long row of fricken traffic that doesn't look like it's going to be moving for a good thee-four hours.

"Scott? Where are you going?" Stiles said, causing me to look at my brother who was currently getting up from his seat. "Boyd. He's gonna do something." Oh god, what could Boyd possibly do to Ethan on this crowed bus?

"Okay, what? How do you know?" Stiles asked.

"Look at his hands." Turing my head to look at Boyd, I noticed his fingers nails were now transformed into his razor-sharp claws, grabbing ahold of the seat in front of him. Shit, what does he think he's doing? He's going to get himself killed. Stiles moved out the way while Scott shuffled passes, walking towards the seats where Isaac and Boyd are sat.

"Kelsey, do you think I'll die a virgin?" Stiles blurted out. I turn round with wide eyes. "Huh? Where's this coming from?" I ask.

"Oh I don't know, maybe the whole thing with the darach sacrificing virgins."

Oh right, god I feel sorry for Stiles, he can't seem to get himself a girlfriend, I just want to set him up with someone. "Stiles, honestly, if you can't find a girl to have sex with, you'll have to move onto boys. And Danny's not single anymore so you'll have to move quick." I tell him with a wink.

"You don't think I've considered that? I don't even anyone who's single." Wow, he's actually considered going there with a boy...well, I guess I'm not that surprised, I always thought he has a bit of a crush on Danny.

But then when we met Derek, they always seem to have that kind of weird connection. I don't know, maybe I'm wrong. Or maybe it's just the Hale family he has a connection with. "Well there's...Cora? Or Peter?"

Stiles laughs a little. "Peter, seriously? He scares the living shit out of me." He does? Well, I remember I used to be scared of him, but now I guess he's fine, hopefully. "Well yeah he's a little scary, but he's not that bad looking." Did I really just say that, oh my god.

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