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I slam my bed room door with fear and sadness rushing through my veins, the night events scatter through my mind leaving me terrified of every noise or movement I see around me.

Tears start rushing down my face as I break down in agony, I can't remember many things but I can remember being pinned up against the wall with his body pushed up against mine as his warm breath brushed across my neck. I was helpless, I had no way of defending myself. I was all alone.

He could of done anything and I wouldn't of been able to stop him and for that I will never forgive myself, I hate how I just stood there in silence like a pathetic little girl, I always thought I was much more then that but I guess not.

For the rest of the night I just sit alone on my floor sobbing. I can't believe I let him get to me, all he wanted was to scare me and he did exactly that.

My eyes flutter open as I fumble around trying to discover my surroundings, I'm in the middle of my bed room floor exactly how I remember. I take a deep sigh of relief as I smell the wonderful sent of sizzling bacon and creamy pancakes.

I hope that's for me, I really really really hope that's for me. I hear my tummy grumble at the sent of food. Since we ran out of the restaurant so abruptly I didn't even get to eat dinner.

I flop out of bed and stumble into the bath room.


My eyes meet with my reflection and once again I look terrible from all the crying last night, my mascara has smudged all over my eye lids and cheeks and I also have deep black circles under my eyes from lack of sleep.

I decide to ignore my appearance since all I can think about is food.
I walk out of my bedroom and down the stairs to meet my parents in the kitchen, my mums on the stove flipping bacon while my dad is at the bench opposite to my mum stirring a bowl.

"Good morning" I say to my Parents in the most chirpy voice I can find as they turn to look at me, I walk over to the island in the middle of the kitchen.

"Um...sweetie not to be rude or anything but have you looked in the mirror this morning?"

"Oh shit" I say as I fling my hands up and cover my eyes in less than a second.

"language!" she yells with a stern tone in her voice. "Sorry" I mumble.

"It didn't seem to be raining last night?" She asks curiously as she furrows her eye brows.

"That's because it wasn't" I slightly whisper as I duck my head and walk to the dinning table trying to avoid the convocation.

It's blaintly obvious that I was crying and because my mums a stubborn bitch she won't stop in till she gets the answer out of me and let me tell you she probably would beat the shit out of Cameron if she knew what he did to me and now that I think about it she would also probably beat the shit out of me for getting myself into a situation like that.

I still don't even understand why he's even bothering me it's not like I was wearing revealing cloths or that I am anywhere near pretty, God he frustrates me.

"Um...I had a shower and forgot to wash my face" I beam to her as that brilliant lie pops into my head.

"You look like you just died" my dad adds in as we all chuckle at how late he was in realizing that.

"So you got school Tommorow?" my mum ask as she flips the bacon causing it to make a sizzling sound.

"Yep, can I stay after school and finish some assignments?" I ask nicely. "Sure sweetheart, anything for your education"

My Destiny // Ashton IrwinWhere stories live. Discover now