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For those who have already read this previously I have changed a lot of things and I'm not just re-uploading :)


"hey destiny!" Renae says out of no where as I'm digging through my locker trying to find the books to my next class.

"Holy crap you scared me" I say giggling to myself as I see a glimpse of her bright orange hair flick through the air as she runs past me. I finish gathering my books and quickly shut my locker as I turn around and meet Renae's bright smiling face.

"Dude I'm gonna be late to class" I say softly as I push passed her nicely while giving her a light hug.

"Why do you even care? Since when did the school bad ass decide to care whether she is late to class?" I hear her say as I rush down the empty halls trying to find my room.

"Because I'm trying to change Renae... I fucked up real bad and I'm trying to fix it" I softly shout wondering if she is still listening to me. Ever since my brother Luke ran away from home to pursue his dreams my parents have been really pressuring me to be this smart, perfect child they never got.

They wanted him to be a doctor and go to college but he refused to do what they wanted him to do, he wanted to live his dream of becoming a musician. I'm proud of him but I can't shake the memories of our child hood out of my mind. When he left I fell to a very dark place and for a while I thought I was never gonna be able to escape. I did some things I'm not proud of and I hurt the people I loved.

No, I'm not mad at him... I'm just lost and confused. The day my best friend left was the day I lost myself, he had been there for me through everything and no matter what I did he still loved me.

I finally find my room and slowly open the door hoping that my teacher won't notice that I'm late.

"Good morning miss Hemmings! " Mr Halford says in a harsh tone as I quickly find a empty seat in the front row and sit down in it hoping not to piss off the teacher anymore then I already have.

"I expected you to be late, like always.." He says as he turns around and starts to write on the black board in chalk which makes this horrific scratching sound. I can feel everyones eyes burning into the back of my skull as I slouch in my seat.

Oh and there's another thing I forgot to mention, everyone hates me. I used to be the most popular girl in school, I would get invited to every party and everybody's attention would always be on me. But I can't even bring myself to look at my friends anymore, not after what I did to them.

After the incident happened and it all blew over I decided to become a better person and change my ways. I don't want to be the person that hurt everyone she loved, I don't want to be the fucked up girl whose brother ran away because there parents were such narcissists and wanted everything to be perfect.

The memories rush through my head as I slide down the back of my chair and shove my head into my hands wishing I was invisible.

"Class, I would like to introduce you to our new student, Michael " Mr Halford says as he points to a boy standing near the door. He was quite tall ,with light skin and spiky red and black hair. He is wearing all black with a red flannelette wrapped around his waist, He walks directly towards the seat next to me as my heart starts to race.

"Shit" I say under my breath as he pulls the seat out and sits down. All I want to do is blend into the crowd, I don't want any more attention on me then I already have. I'm trying to change and all I need is one friend and that spot is already taken by Renae.

"Hi, what's your name sweetheart?" He whispers to me as I lift my head up to meet his face. I can't just ignoring him or he will hate me even more then he is going to once he finds out what I did. I might aswell try to make a good impression.

"hi...erm I'm Destiny" I say while giving him a shy smile, he has a piercing through the side of his left eyebrow. The sight of his piercing makes me miss my old self, I miss feeling free and not caring what people thought of me, but I remember how I made people feel and the memory is enough to make me want to forget my old self and everything I did.

"Hemmings! no talking in class" Mr Halford exclaims while giving me a harsh glare, the class goes silent as slouch in my chair, God I just wish I would disappear.

I daze off as Mr Halford blabs on about the civil war or something like that.

"That's a beautiful name" Michael whispers to me as I look up to see him smiling, I feel my cheeks turn slightly pink. I really don't want anymore attention then I already have and talking to an attractive boy is gonna get people talking. If I'm even remotely seen talking to a boy the slut shaming will start again and I don't think I can take any more of that.

"Miss Hemmings, if you insist on talking so much I am forced to believe that you already know what I'm teaching you?"

"Yes... sir" My words come out as a whisper, as I instantly regret even talking. God I wish Mr Halford didn't hate me so much.

"Well miss no-it-all, when did the civil war start then?" He asks me as he leans on my desk looking me straight in the eyes. The class goes dead silent as I feel the tension between me and him rising.

"1861" Michael whispers to be as he nudges my arm making sure I heard him.

"1861.... Sir" I say loudly making sure he can hear me, he slowly stands up straight and walks back to the board. I remember to take a breath in as I sigh in relief, I whisper a quick thank you to Michael as I slouch back in my seat.

The bell rings and everyone starts rushing out of the door, Michael and I wait at the back before we get trampled or squashed.

"Thanks again, Michael" I say while giving him a quick smile.

"No problem, I saw you were getting pretty flustered so I decided to help you out a little"

I quickly walk to the bubblers before the bell to my next class rings which is music. Music is one of my favourite classes because not many people hate me in it, I know shocking right.

Music is my only escape, It lets me escape this stupid school, my irritating parents and it helps me to forget that my life long best friend and only brother is gone and has been gone for a year now, he's probably all grown up and I hurts that I don't get to see my brother when he is the happiest he has ever been, he has finally got what he's wanted all his life and I don't even get to share these moments with him. I feel tears start to prick in my eyes as I quickly wipe them away with the sleeve of my sweater.

I finally reach the bubblers as I quickly take a sip and rush through the crowded halls so I'm not late to class. I can feel everyones eyes on me, it's nothing I'm not used to but it's not how it used to be, they are looking at me because they hate me not because they like me.

Suddenly the sent of strong cologne and cigarets fills the air.

"Hey babe" A tall brunette boy says while walking past me, He looks up and down my body while biting his lip and winks at me. He has a full sleeve of tattoos and a lip piercing, he is dressed in all black with tight skinny jeans. Before he turns around he shoots me a smile, it is strangely familiar. I feel like I've met him before, he looks like the kind of guy that would be at the party's I used to go to, maybe I've seen him from there before. I remember that smile, it's that kind of smile that would make any girl melt with just the sight of it, it also has these deep dimples that I could possibly swim in if I tried.

I try to shake his image from my head but I can't help but think about his sexy caramel hair and what it would feel like to have his body pressed up against mine-
"STOP!" I hear my conscience say

He definitely looks like bad news and nothing I would like to get involved with.



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