Love Language

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"I want to play a drinking game," JK grinned and rubbed his hands together. "Even the losers are winners."

Namjoon wrinkled his brow. "Never Have I Ever? Are you serious?"

Jin added his opinion. "Two truths and a lie. It's much more interesting."

"Nooo," Jimin wailed. "You know I can't lie. That's no fair."

The girls enjoyed watching the guys' bickering. They were cute and funny, and none of them seemed mean-spirited or truly arrogant.

"How about Never Have I Ever with a twist?" Eden suggested.

"Yeah, we played it like this in school. The wusses who've never done anything have to drink, to encourage them to let loose. Of course, the daring ones can drink all they want," Cam added.

Eden agreed. "The competition encourages everyone to tell the wildest shit they've ever done. Way more fun that the goodie 2 shoes version. You can make up a lie, but someone can call bullshit on you."

"I like it." Jimin smiled seductively. "I like it a lot."

Hobi shot Yoongi a concerned glance. The older just shook his head. The maknaes were gonna do what they were gonna do.

"And taking a sip counts as drinking in this version. A shot every time is impossible because we don't stop at ten fingers. We play as long as we want."

"Then who wins?" JK wanted to know.

Cam answered. "We keep a tally. The person with the least nevers, wins. If your lie gets caught, it counts as 3 points."

Taehyung hummed. "So the goal is to say something no one else has done."

Eden nodded. "Or you can work together to gang up on the angel babies who've never had fun," she chuckled. "I'll start. I have knocked out a wall looking for a treasure map. Anybody else?"

Cam laughed and raised her margarita. "Never have I ever!"

All the guys echoed her toast as they raised their glasses, then took a swig of their drink.

Jimin's eyes sparkled. "Did you find it?"

"Sadly, no," Eden laughed before taking a big sip of her own drink.

Taehyung liked Eden's laugh. He liked her ass, too. Was it superficial? Sure, but he wasn't in a position to have anything deep. Relationship wise, at least. Him buried deep in her tight pussy was more than he could safely have, but he didn't care.

"OK, I'll go. I have ... never mind, let somebody else go." His brothers had shared just about all his experiences, except the X rated ones. And they'd shared some of those as well.

Cam mistook his hesitation for shyness. "Come on. Hit us with a good one. We can take it."

"Ugh. It's the only thing I can think of that they haven't done as well." He pouted just a little. "I attended Paris Fashion Week."

Eden lifted her drink. "You suck. I'm jealous. Never have I ever been to Paris Fashion Week."
Everyone joined her for a drink.

"Are you a model?"

Cam's question caught him off guard. "Um..." he cocked his head, "sometimes?"

"Oops. That was a work question. Sorry," she apologized.

"You may need a punishment," Jimin teased her with a smirk.

Yoongi sat up. That dancer was using his eye smile to steal his woman. "I'll be the one doling out punishments."

Cam smirked at him. "Oh? Are you the daddy of this bunch?"

"Try me with that smart mouth, you'll find out," the rapper's eyes flashed.

JK chortled. "Nope. Hyung's our grandpa."

Everyone burst into laughter along with Cam. "Now that sounds accurate."

"Who needs refills?" Hobi asked as he stood up.

With the group's attention diverted to their drinks, Yoongi moved closer to Cam. "Why do you hate me?"

"I don't," she insisted, a hint of humor in her eye.

"You're so mean to me." Yoongi added a tiny pout to his soft lips.

"I think you're ok," Cam shrugged. "Teasing is our family's love language."

He had to laugh. "Same in my family." He couldn't stop himself from being drawn in by the girl. But he was a solitary hunter and liked to play with his food before he ate it. Maybe he was a cat after all.

The maknaes were like lightning striking. They worked as a team and shared the prize. He'd have to change up his slow approach to get her first. He couldn't tell if Cam was open to multiple encounters, but he didn't want to miss out.

"This game is too hard," JK complained. "We've done so much together. There's nothing but work-related and sex-related. And we can't talk about work."

"Well, then," Eden laughed, "hit us with your best sexcapade, babydoll."

JK stammered a bit, blinking his round eyes, trying to collect himself. He wasn't expecting it to be so easy, or to be called that particular nickname. Jimin was giggling and Tae wore a boxy smile. "Um, OK then. Um ... I have had a foursome."

"What the hell, Jungkookie!" Jin was flapping about like a fish, completely shocked by the maknae's revelation.

Namjoon was looking a bit sheepish as Hobi cut his eyes over to him. Yoongi was going to kill the kid. The rap line had secrets. Well, they did before this game.

Cam and Eden glanced at each other, eyebrows up. They lifted their glasses and looked at the guys. Jin was the only one with his raised.

"No fucking way! Six of the 7 of you guys have had foursomes?" Eden was incredulous.

They all nodded, some proud, some a little embarrassed.

"Ohhhh. I see," offered Cam. "With each other?"

"Yeah." Taehyung nodded.

"There were girls, you dipshit." Yoongi really was going to strangle them all.

"Girls. Exactly." Jimin nodded, making his hyung look like a liar. Then he burst into Jimin giggles, so the girls couldn't tell if he was joking or not.

Yoongi was fuming.

"Come on, Jin. Let's toast to all the things we've yet to do," Eden said, winking at the handsome eldest and making all the others jealous.

Jin fought his blush as he gave the girls his most devilish smile, the one he never showed the fans. WWH knew he could only let out small doses of his hotness or regular humans would spontaneously combust. As the oldest, Jin had always tried to be a role model for his members. Fuck that shit! He was going to cut loose.

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