Chapter 13 | Zac

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October 10th, 2005

"You finally look better," Lee comments, watching me shovel a taco into my mouth with mild interest.

He's not wrong. My appetite has finally returned after over-drinking and being sick this past weekend. Getting smash drunk in the rain is not one of the best ideas I've had in my short lifetime. I slogged through weight training this morning, half-assing my reps. I stare at my near-empty plate and sigh. Even though I've already eaten three tacos, grilled corn, sliced melon, and downed a small glass of juice, I am still hungry.

"Ready for midterms?" Lee asks, smearing guacamole over a corn chip. "I'm taking my computer science midterm today."

"You bet I'm ready."

I curse mentally as the words leave my mouth. I haven't once thought about midterms or bothered studying for them yet.

"Oh, Minji stopped by this morning while you were at practice," Lee drawls.

I frown mid-chew, suddenly feeling tense. Things with Minji have been weird lately. What started as a casual hookup now feels like she wants something more.

"What's going on with the two of you, anyway?" he asks.

"Nothing." It's a lie.

My phone vibrates – a text. I flip the phone open under the table discreetly to see a message pop up from Minji:

[where r u?]

"So if Minji's nothing, then what's going on with you and Cassie?" Lee pipes. "Are you guys still fighting?"

Annoyed, I clear my throat. "Nothing's going on there, either. We're fine."

Lee stares at me while my phone vibrates again. And again.

[stop ignoring me]

[I know ur reading these]

[pick up my calls Zac]

"Is... everything okay?" Lee asks curiously. I stuff my phone in my pocket and stand.

"Everything's great. Gotta go. See you later."

I leave Lee sitting at the table and deposit my tray on the washing belt and bolt out the door. My phone buzzes a few more times in my pocket but eventually stops. Thank God.

Laughter and student chatter speckle the air as I trudge up the Lawn. Though the campus street cleaners have done a decent job of clearing the walking path, remnants of Homecoming weekend are still scattered around – from the lone green and black streamer stuck in the bushes to the overflowing trash cans full of empty pizza boxes and plastic cups. Not to mention the fact it's Monday and the entire student body looks hung over.

I'd gone to the Homecoming football game on Saturday with a few friends. Somehow, Minji managed to find me in the massive crowd that showed up despite the rain. She sat with me at the game, nursing a spiked drink she concealed in a large thermos. We left at half-time when it became clear Hofstra would dominate the Crows, and we wound up at a house crawl on New Basque Road with a ton of other people. The weather was awful, but no one minded since there was plenty of alcohol. But the drunker Minji got, the clingier she became – and it wasn't until I slipped into the crowd that I escaped. I ended up at Kat's to meet the track team, where I drank so much I don't remember how I made it back to the dorm. The last thing I remember is waking up in Cass's room later that night with a splitting headache and spending all of Sunday in bed with a terrible hangover and fever.

My phone and all its unread text messages weigh heavy in my pocket. I never intended for things to spiral out of control with Minji. Hooking up with her was a mistake – it was just the one time, but I wish it never happened.

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