Vegas Nightmare

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Vegas (still day of the party)

My phone pings with Pete usual tone and I cursed as saw the picture. He was naked, sprawled at the center of the bed with a whip between his teeth and his hand on his dick. I power walked into the playroom stopping before the bed memorized by the scene before me. Pete had his eyes closed panting as his hand worked his dick from the base of his shaft all the way to the top where his thumb circled the tip lathering up the pre cum that was leaking. 

"Pete" I said hoarsely calling his attention. I didn't care about the pictures shown to me, or his strange behavior, or that this man was somehow involved in taking me down. Here he was, sprawled on my bed whispering my name in pure joy. He loved me, I knew he did, I had to believe he did. Pete opened his arms to me and I went to him with no resolve, there hadn't been any in a long time. He hugged me tight sniffing my neck and kissing my cheek in the process. 

"My devil" he said in a purr I felt the rumbling in his chest comforting me a little. I just stared at him doubtfully. How far had he gone with Joshua? Had he slept with him, was he in love with him. Tankhun photos were still vivid in my head and I didn't know how to feel about it.

"Pete" I said my heart in turmoil. He looked at me with the purest smile he had ever given me before. 

"Vegas, I need you to promise me something." Pete whispered looking right into my eyes, "Promise me that whatever happens in the future, you will be safe." I wanted to punch him and scream at him. I wanted to hurt him but I couldn't move I was paralyzed in place by those eyes that defied the law of fear. It wouldn't matter to Pete if I hurt him physically he would enjoy it too much. 

"With everything happening with Vegas Corp, and Khun Korn, I don't want you to get hurt Vegas. Promise you will do everything in your power to stay at my side safe and sound." I hugged him nodding at his request. I said it before and I thought it now, there was nothing I wouldn't do for him. I took his mouth roughly relishing the taste of him, tattooing it into my brain so that I would never forget it. Pete reciprocated with the same vigor making this a battle of who wanted who more. Our legs interwind with each other until the bedsheet became a scrambled mess. I gave myself to this feeling of desperate need.

"Vegas... I love you... You have no idea just how much." Pete confessed giving me access to accommodate myself between his thighs. His eyes screamed at me to have my way and I didn't hold back. I took the whip that laid on the bed and let it fall on his chest one crack after another, he didn't protest or tell me to go fuck myself, he closed his eyes allowing me to do it.

"Let it all out Vegas. Let me free you" He said staring into my soul, I cursed flipping him onto his stomach and continued the onslaught of my whip until I saw blood. It only worked to fuel me more and I landed a few more cracks on him just to the blood spill. Pete  screamed every time the whip broke skin but he didn't run away from it he just took burring his face into the pillow making me hurt just watching him. I felt the tears run down my cheek and cursed myself for being so weak, I thought I had broken Pete, turns out it was the other way around. What are you up to Pete? 

"Vegas!" Pete screamed when I entered him. I didn't bother preparing him for me, I didn't care. I was so upset and felt betrayed and so weak that I wanted to get even. What if it was true what Kinn said, What if Pete was the one trying to get to me? Was all this time at my side his revenge for what I done to him? I could understand that, I can forgive that, I deserved it, but what about Khun Korn, was he not a father figure to him, and Kinn? Did Pete not stop to consider Kinn? I thrusted into him watching as blood ran down his spine, his screams echoed against the wall but not once did he tell me to stop. I truly wanted him to make me stop to say anything the stop the madness that was taking place but he gritted his teeth and took me I as I was. When I came I let go of him roughly, I picked up my pants and walked out the room letting my pride prevent me from looking back at the bloody mess Pete was. 

Cruel Intentions - Vegas/ Pete Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now