Epilogue: 16 years later - Venice Treasure

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I sighed for the hundredth time watching my friends goof around the changing room catching the attention of my friends who hurried to circle around me wishing to know the reason why. I eyed them curiously, papa always said to be careful of what I confided in people and though these people were my friends I wouldn't trust anyone of them with my life. 

"I am missing after school study today, I have to get home." Was all I said as I half sprinted out the changing rooms towards my car. I needed to speak to papa as soon as possible, the weight of my issue heavily sitting at the back of my head and I really needed advice. Getting to my car I groaned when I saw Sarah, the foreign student I was currently sort of in a relationshipwith, linger around my car with a scowl on her face and I just knew I was about to be chewed out with whatever delusion was roaming in her head. Taking a deep breath I casually walked up towards my car dreading every step I took, It was always like that now, and I hated the feeling. Papa always said he felt excited every time Father Vegas picked him up from work saying his day would brighten up at the mere sight of him, and here I was feeling dread. 

"Where were you? and why have you not replied to my text messages?" Sarah complained as she planted herself between the driver side door and me. I ran my hand through my hair to keep from speaking my mind and the truth was I was just not feeling it anymore.  If I ever needed an excuse to end things this was it, the constant nagging from her part that just wouldn't let up no matter how much I tried to ease her mind. 

"Sarah, I just got done with Track practice, coach held me up for some updates on next years scholarship." I explained exasperated with the situation. 

"We need to talk Venice" She said flatly and I groaned again, really, the we need to talk talk, fuck I really hope she would just say what needed to be said instead of her trying to trick me into another one of her histerics. 

"We are talking, whats up?" I said rudely so that she would get the hint I wasn't in the mood for talk, I wanted to get home. 

"What the fuck is this?" She questioned showing me a picture from the university facebook page, "You lied to me Venice, last weekend you said you had stayed home but this shows you were at Your departmetns chosen lunas dinner party. What the heck?" I rolled my eyes annoyed.

"I am sorry for not telling you I ended up going. I had been home until one of my buddies convinced me to go. I didn't see no harm in it. I didn't do anything wrong." I defended side stepping her to put my training gear in the truck of my car.

"I am your girlfriend Venice, don't you think going to some other girls party is something I should know about?" I rolled my eyes as I side stepped her to place my training gear in my trunk.

"I said I was sorry Sarah.. I am sorry to break it to you but it already happened not much I can do other than apologize.. which I already did? Can you back off now?" I snapped looking at her with no guilt whatsoever.

"Are you gay?" She bluntly asked, I rose an eyebrow unable to help the laugh that spilled out of me literally making me clutch my stomach with hysteria of it. "It's not funny, there are rumors of you kissing another boy at that party."

" where is the proof?" I Challenged, rumor was right, I had kissed a boy for the first time ever but I was sure no-one had been around to see.. I guess I was wrong.

"You fucking dirty mother fucker.. like father like son.. fucking gay." She spit on the ground and rose her hand in an attempt to slap my face. What had been the point of her asking me if she was already dead set in believing a damn rumor. I got hold of her wrist before she made contact and pushed her against my car frame trapping her in tight so that her legs spread to accommodate me between her legs.

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