Vengeance is Vegas

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I sighed for the hundredth time having already seen what ever BL Tankhun was watching for the third time in a row. This was getting annoying, I wasn't't even his body guard anymore why was I here. I stood up and made my way to the window contemplating on what I was doing. I went from being the head body guard to this nut job to being Vegas life partner. Yet I felt like something was missing. I loved Vegas no doubt about it I even loved his weird quirks and kinky fore play. I loved the new life I chosen at his side, but I couldn't  help feeling useless. I looked at the people gathered around and snickered at the scene, the twins had somehow found there other half in Tankhun and now were best friends. In just two weeks of being here, the twins had thrown a tantrum about wanting to stay with Rene in Thailand quite literally even going off the grid for a few days when their sister Itzel had said no. Itzel was beyond herself trying to locate them along side Rene and Vegas only to have found them in Tankhuns room watching movies, three days they were off the grid and no one had bothered to check with Tankhun. When they were found Vegas gave them the punishment of a life time and immediately had the twins apologizing to Itzel for their behavior. Needless to say, the twins didn't do anything with out updating Vegas or Rene of their whereabouts. The truth was the twins were unstoppable, pulling pranks on the staff at every given turn driving Rene crazy. Vegas had to intervene once again sending the boys to their rooms with their tails tucked between their legs threatening them with being shipped back to Texas if they ever so stepped another foot out of line, but I knew better, Vegas enjoyed having the boys around.  I shook my head, it seemed the only people that could keep these twins in check on occasion was Rene, Tankhun, Vegas, and I, proving just how much man power was needed to look after them. I could only imagine the hassle of our children when we came around to adopting them. Would Vegas even want children? 

I was stressed, with trying to keep the boys in check, making sure Macau and Rene were situated into their new loft and Vegas having to work over time in the past two weeks due to new investment projects and keeping the manor running . I hardly had time to catch up with Vegas on the brief backstory he had given me in the playroom. I didn't even know where to begin to search for answers seeing that his father is dead and most of the men that followed his father were bead as well. I knew that if Vegas had any relationship with anyone in particular, no one knew about it because Vegas never talked to anyone. He bottled everything up to himself a kept things in a tight lock. I haven't even had a chance to discuss the nature of our relationship inside that playroom. I had so many questions to everything he was. I knew he liked inflicting  pain, that much was obvious considering I was usually left sore and bruised for a week after a session. But why? What was the motivation behind it? 

"Oiii Pete, what are you doing over there. Come over here" Tankhun called out distracting me.

"khun, would it be okay if I left the twins with you for awhile. There is something I have got to do." I said and he stood with his hands on his hips. 

"What will you be doing and why do I have to be left with these nut jobs. They don't even speak Thai." He spat stomping one of his feet. 

"I want to get Vegas a gift." I said

"Why?  his birthday is not until another month." He said, the fact he knew Vegas birthday was surprising. Then again Tankhun knew more than he led on always seeing the bigger picture. 

"I am great with gifts, I can help you." He said and I shook my head with a smile not really wanting his opinion. He of course didn't listen coming towards him.

"What do you have in mind for this gift" He asked running his fingers around the collar Vegas had me wear, "Hmm, I have an Idea. Come with me." 

I tried to persuade him but he went into the closet and came out dressed in couture the type of dressing you see runway models wear and never see another piece of the same again. He grabbed the boys by the elbows and dragged them towards the garage. I was afraid of this new character in him as he never left the house. He was home bound by trauma and here he was dragging two boys that were not blood and shoving all of us into a mini van. 

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