Chapter 3

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?? POV

"hey how are you holding up ?" Jungwon hyung asked , coming into my room that I stay in.

my eyes were puffy, my cheeks had tear stains in them, and my heart had been crushed.

"not too good" I replied honestly.

"I can't believe that our fans think these things of me. I've done everything I can to make them happy , but I guess my efforts weren't enough" I said , tears dropping from my eyes again.

"yah don't think like that.." Jungwon hyung said , trying to cheer me up. "I can't hyung. There isn't a single fan out there that doesn't hate me right now. how am I supposed to show myself at the fan meeting ?!" I stressed.

Jungwon sighed . jungwon's phone buzzed , so he took it out of his pocket to see a Weverse notification.

"what could they possibly say about this now ?" He said , rolling his eyes.

he opened the post and engene had made, after reading it , he smiled.

"yah Niki, not everyone of them hates you.." Jungwon hyung said , giving me the phone .

nishimuramanimura : stop everyone! is this really what we have come to?! Niki has given his all to make us happy, he's worked so hard in and after I-land to prove that he deserves to debut. he's not talentless, he's not ugly , and he's not stupid. If Niki really was dating bahi, would y'all still want to rip away his happiness? What if she makes him super happy and makes him want to work harder and harder for us, would you still hate on him?! Think about what you're saying before you say it! And to Niki if he sees this , I will make sure that you know that this engene  right here is still by your side. see you at the fan meeting !

I smiled after reading it. it's nice to know that at least one person doesn't hate my guts. Now I'm really excited to meet them at the fan meeting..



I'm getting ready , putting the final touches on my look before Mina gets here.

"ok y/n, this is a once in a lifetime opportunity. Just say what you've practiced and you will be fine. Don't let their unexplainable beauty and personality make you nervous. You got this." I repeated in my mind , trying to get rid of my nerves.

I applied light makeup like mascara , blush , and highlighter. that's it 😐

all of a sudden I heard a honk outside and knew it was Mina, I also knew that if I took too long I would be scolded because I would be "keeping her from her jakey" as she would put it.

I grabbed my jacket and purse and rushed outside after saying bye to my parents.

I saw Mina in her car she got for her 16th birthday, applying lip tint using the rear view mirror.

I knocked in the window , making her realize that I was there . she unlocked the car and I quickly got in.

"are you ready ?!" She asked me , all hyped up.

"not at all! you ?!" I asked , matching her energy.

"not one shit! let's go" she said. "l.e.t apostrophe s.g.o !" I quoted jungwon.

we both laughed at my joke and blasted enhypen music all the way to the venue.

we parked and both of our hearts were racing to say the least. My hands started shaking uncontrollably, and I tried to control it.

we walked in and gave our tickets to the guards at the doors and found our seats. We were the last 2 people to meet enhypen 🥲

"there's not as many people as I thought" Mina murmured. "yeah because a bunch of people didn't come after the Niki incident" I rolled my eyes.

"I hope these people treat him normal" I said to myself.

soon the music started playing and the members were introduced one by one as they came out from behind the curtain.

when the members were introduced everyone lost their minds screaming , including me and Mina.

when Niki was introduced , some people stayed silent glaring at Niki, some people booed him, while I was the only one cheering.


when my name was introduced, I already expected everyone's reactions so it didn't really bother me.

as I walked to my seat , I heard one voice ... cheering.

I lifted my head up to try and find the voice that was the only one cheering, but I couldn't find her. she had stopped cheering by the time I sat down on my chair.

I hope to meet you soon nishimuramanimura...


"what is wrong with these people?!" I growled to myself.

the fan signing was already halfway through, and Niki was the last one at the table to sign albums.

people are so rude and disrespectful. there was one girl who completely just didn't even say hi to Niki , grabbed her album from him and walked off.

another girl just sat there while Niki signed her album, when he tried to start a conversation with her she said 'just shutup and give me my album'.

Like bitch?! who do you think you are to talk to my bias like that.

me and Mina were the last 2 in line, and we were inching closer and closer to the table.

I could clearly see Niki, he looked so tired and sad , I could tell his smile was fake, for show. These rude people have broken a person that deserves the world , and that broke me too.

Mina made it to the table , I was the last one to get my album signed .

jungwon-> Jake-> sunoo-> Jay-> Sunghoon-> heeseung-> Niki

(the order they were sitting in^^)

after Mina talked with jungwon it was my turn . I nervously stepped up to the table and greeted him.

"hi! what's your name?" He asked me with a cute smile. "uh my - my name is y/n." I said , shyly.

"mmm thats a pretty name!" He complimented me. I thanked him akwardly . "sorry , I'm just really nervous right now" I confessed.

He laughed . "there's no need to be nervous! Is there anything you would like to ask or tell me?" He asked me.

I thought for a moment before speaking. "actually , if you don't mind me asking, how has Niki been? You're the leader so I'm assuming you're the one who has been with him through the events that have happened in the past week. is he ok?" I asked.

Jungwon turned serious. he scanned my face before answering . "to be completely honest..." he started , glancing at the staff.

He came closer to me and whispered his answer to me. "to be honest I've never seen him so sad and miserable. we've tried cheering him up, but words hurt" he said.

I sighed . that just made me worry even more for him. "please move on to the next member!" The staff directed.

I smiled at jungwon , thanking him before moving on to the next member .... Jake...


hey guysss , hope y'all are enjoying so far!

a little tmi , Jake and Niki are actually my biases while heeseung and jungwon are my bias wreckers ‼️

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