Chapter 26

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My friend Sora was minutes away and I was finishing cleaning my house .

I ordered more of the cakes from yesterday to share with Sora.

I heard the doorbell ring , so I excitedly ran towards the door opening it , but stood in shock at what I saw.

I immediately tried closing the door but failed miserably as the crowd of people (mostly girls) stormed into my house.

I ran to the living room , but was cornered by the group of girls from the front door.

"w-who are y'all and why are y'all doing this?" I asked.

"well your friend Sora just wanted to meet you. And make you listen to what we have to say." One of them said .

I looked in confusion. Before everything became clear. "You tricked me into thinking you were Sora?! Why?!" I yelled.

"Listen here y/n . We will leave with no harm done. All you need to do break up with our Niki." 'Sora' said.

That's when I realized what was going on. "Never" I responded. She smirked.

"That's fine with me. Get her!" She yelled , and instantly I was being pulled by my hair and beaten up by 'Sora's' minions.

My hair was being pulled , I was being punched everywhere on my body , they were kicking my stomach making me cough up blood.

I tried to fight back. I kicked the girl that was pulling my hair so she stumbled and knocked the others down.

I took that chance to make a run for it to my room , that's where my phone was.

I limped up the stairs and made it in the hallway before I was scratched with something sharp on my arm and pulled by my hair again.

"agh!" I groaned as I looked at my arm that had a long slash that was bleeding.

"Oh look at this , a bathroom" one of the girls said evilly.

She dragged me by my hair into the bathroom and harshly pushed me to the wall before punching me again.

I had become weak, I was on the verge of falling down . "One last thing to ensure that you leave our Niki alone." She said , yanking me but my hair to the sink.

She filled the sink up with water and dunked my face in it. I wasn't ready so I didn't have much air , I was basically on the verge of being drowned.

She lifted my head out of the water as I gasped for air. "Niki is ours" she said , dunking my head in again.

My tears were mixing with the water in my face.

She pulled my face out again. "You're so much less than him. You probably begged him to be with you , you slut!" She said , dunking my head in again.

I was about to lose my consciousness. She brought my head out one last time.

"Leave him or pay double the price." She said , before slamming my face down on the sink.

I hit my head hard .. the next thing I knew.. everything went black as I lost consciousness...


While Yoora was finishing off y/n , me and the others were trashing the house. Turning over pillows , throwing food from out of the kitchen, smashing pictures .

I was highly satisfied at what we had done. But I wanted to make sure that y/n left Niki alone.

I found her room and completely trashed it.

that girl - nishimura Riki Where stories live. Discover now