Chapter 15

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I finished telling my whole speech . The whole room was quiet. I didn't realize this until now but as I was talking my head automatically went down so my eyes were fixated on the floor.

"yeah . I think Niki chose the right one." Jay spoke up. I looked up seeing all of them giving me warm smiles.

I looked beside me to see Niki with a shy smile plastered to his face.

"you know , I won't be surprised if Niki ends up having a crush on you" Sunghoon blurted.

My cheeks grew warm as he said that. "hah, nice joke Sunghoon. but y'all are idols , you don't need to be distracted by a silly girl like me" I sadly chuckled.

Once again , I had hit myself with a reality check.

"but what if we're willing to fight for a relationship with you . would you still tell us to not be distracted ?" Jake asked.

I thought about that for a moment. "I wouldn't know unless it actually happened to me . but I know I would try my hardest to not let myself and my feelings get in the way of your career. I mean you guys have worked your ways up here , I wouldn't want a relationship to be the reason your dreams came crashing down" I said.

I glanced at Niki as I finished.

"y/n how old are you?" Heeseung suddenly asked. "oh I just turned 16 " I replied.

"wow. you're really mature for your age. I wish someone would take up after you" he said , staring at Niki.

"yah ! I'm mature!" Niki defended himself. "oh please . you and your teenage hormones are driving me crazy" Heeseung snapped back.

Niki looked at me , asking for help. "don't look at me, I have no room to talk when it comes to mood swings and hormones" I said.

Everyone laughed . I had finally grown comfortable being with all of them.

we all started talking about each other , just getting to know each other better when my phone rang.

"hey guys I'm going to take this really quick" I said before answering the call.

"hey sweetie , me and your dad had to go on a week long business trip . Mina will be staying at the house so you won't feel alone . Make sure to stay safe . we love you !" My mom said.

"uhh ok. but Mina doesn't have to stay at our house . I'm sure I won't feel alone." I said .

"oh it's no worries dear , I already asked her parents and Mina if it was fine and they agreed." My mom assured me.

"uhh ok. bye mom, I'll make sure to meet Mina later tonight" I said before hanging up the call.

"Mina is your friend that came with you to the fan sign right?" Jake suddenly asked me.

"uhm yeah. why?" I asked him curiously.

"she's very pretty. And she's funny , when we were in my dressing room , she started sassing about that girl that jumped you" Jake said , smiling as he talked.

I smirked. "do you perhaps like her" I asked , teasing him. He grew silent as his ears grew red.

We all started laughing and making fun of him.

"yah ! Let's not forget that Niki literally was kicking his feet smiling to himself while he told us about y/n!" Jake suddenly said.

I froze.

Everyone started laughing even more.

I looked over to Niki to see him pretending to look the opposite way from me.

I laughed.

I looked at the time and saw it was already 9:45. "guys , as much as I don't wanna go , my curfew is in 15 minutes." I said.

"awww but you just got here!" Sunoo whined. I chuckled and ruffled his hair.

"don't worry. If Niki allows me back here I'll make sure to stay longer" I assured all of them.

"I'll walk her home." Niki said , getting up and putting his shoes and coat on.

Everyone bid me goodbye, "Niki make sure to stay safe and hidden from the public eye!" Heeseung shouted before Niki closed the door to the dorm.

as soon as he made sure the door was closed and locked he walked up to me and bear hugged me.

I chuckled . "Niki what wrong ?" I asked.

"nothing it's just... the stuff you said in there .. it was really touching to me." He said , not breaking the hug.

I chuckled and wrapped my arms around him , reciprocating the hug.

We stayed like that for a while , just enjoying each other's warmth.

Niki broke the hug and grabbed my hand in his. "you're so cute when your like this" I said.

He smiled at me. "you're lucky you're special to me" he said. I smiled.

we walked and walked until we reached my house. I walked infront of Niki , still holding one of his hands.

He grabbed my other hand in his as we stood there staring at each other. "we should do this often" Niki said,

I let out a small laugh. "I'll try to do this as much as I can . But don't put me over when you need to work . get things done so that I'm not in your way , arraseo?" I said .

Niki frowned. "yah , listen" he said , catching all my attention. "I ... I think I'm starting to ... we'll I think I'm starting to catch feelings for you..." he confessed.

My heart stopped. I couldn't believe the words that just flew out of his mouth.

"and .. if it gets to that point ... I'm going to fight for you y/n... for us. I don't care that it might ruin my idol image . if our fans really truly want the best for me , then they're going to have to accept that I can like whoever I want" he said.

I stayed quiet , listening to every word he was saying.

"Niki.." I was about to speak but he shut me up by pulling me closer to him.

"y/n I know you have feelings for me too , so please ... give me time. don't push me away and don't say that I shouldn't put you before my work because I will . I will put you before work because that's what you do when you care deeply about someone." Niki said.

I looked down , trying to hide my smile.

Niki let out a soft chuckle , lifting my head up to be level with his. "you're happy aren't you? ayee see , I knew you couldn't resist me" he teased .

I smacked his shoulder as we both laughed.

"goodnight y/n" Riki said before hesitantly pulling his hands away from mine and backing away , still looking at me...

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