Chapter 7

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"hyungs cmon! rehearsals start in 5 minutes!" I said, eagerly wanting to go out and see if y/n came.

"Niki, we don't have to be there for another 5 minutes. Let us rest." Heeseung tried to reason with me.

"Niki just wants to meet his little crush again" Jake teased me.

I scoffed. "don't act like you weren't drooling over her friend after the fan meeting hyung" I shot back at him.

His face became red as he came towards me , trying to playfully hit me.

I laughed and ran away with Jake chasing me.

"Well let's go to rehearsals since they're already running that way" Jungwon said , to which everyone groaned at.

As we got to the under part of the stage , I couldn't contain my excitement. "yah , this is the most you've smiled in the past week. is it because of her?" Sunoo asked me.

my smiled just widened as I shrugged my shoulders.

Sunoo chuckled at my behavior. the platform then lifted us up slowly , emerging us from underneath the stage.

as my eyes reached the stadiums seating , my eyes immediately darted to the VIP section.

That's when I saw her.

she looked so beautiful sitting there , just casually talking to her friend. Her friend spotted me first and smirked , motioning her hand my way while saying something to y/n.

that's when y/n's eyes travelled my way and met mine.

Her e/c (eye color) eyes seemed to spark as they met mine, everything around me went away and it was just us two.

"yah Niki! Focus!" The choreography manager scolded me. I unwillingly tore my eyes away from hers and nodded my head.


Niki got scolded by the manager that was helping them with their dances , I felt bad for him.

"yah I'll be right back. I'm going to get Niki a water bottle." I told Mina , she nodded and started staring at Jake.

I quickly got up and slightly ran to the concession stand to get 2 bottles of water.

"can I have 2 water bottles please?" I asked politely. The lady working there asked for my ticket before handing me the water bottles .

I showed her my ticket on my keychain and she nodded and handed me the 2 water bottles .

"Enjoy the concert !!" She shouted as I ran back to our seats. As I came back into the seating area , I heard them practicing blessed-cursed , so I quickly but quietly made my way back to our seating area.

I sat down and took a deep breath. "girl did you run a marathon or something?" Mina asked me , chuckling a bit.

"no but I ran there and back." I said. She gave me a 'are-you-serious' face.

"don't judge me like that and watch the rehearsal" I snapped at her., shoving the other water bottle in her hand. She chuckled before listening to what I said.

we watched them perform the difficult choreographies in awe.

They practiced blessed-cursed , drunk-dazed , and mixed up before taking a break.

I saw that Niki just stood by himself without water , trying to regain his breathing. I thought for a second and decided to shove all of my nerves down .

I got up from my seat and went closer to the stage where Niki was standing.

he immediately noticed my presence and smiled at me. "hi y/n" he said , a tired smile growing on his face.

"hi Niki! I got you some water." I said , showing him the water bottle in my hand.

"oh you shouldn't have , what if you need it later tonight?" Niki asked, concern written all over his face.

"you're really worried about me when you're the one performing?" I asked , chuckling at him.

he shyly laughed. I lifted the water bottle up so Niki could easily reach it. He looked at me for a second , laughed , then took the water bottle from me.

He took 2 giant gulps of the water before bringing it away from his face and putting the cap back on it .

I was lowering my hand back down, but he grabbed it before I could fully put my hand back down.

"Thank you. Hold it for me so I can come back to you at our next break" he said, giving me back the water bottle .

I was shocked at his request. I stood there with the bottle in my hand, blushing like an idiot.

Niki giggled at me and walked back to his members , turning around once to give me a secret wink.

I stood there , not knowing what was happening to me. I slowly made my way back to Mina , sitting down with my face as red as a tomato.

"what did he kiss you or something?" Mina asked me, breaking me out of my trance.

I turned to Mina , only to see her smirking at me. I slapped her leg and she started laughing her butt off while I tried to control my red face.

As the next song started , I knew I was going to be a whole blushing mess. They're now practicing Fever, and god knows how I reacted when I saw the Music Video.

how the hell am I going to survive this?! Niki is literally 10 feet away from me.

I gulped, this should be fun.

The chorus started to play and Jesus , Niki singing the low note kills me every. Single. Time.

Niki , intentionally, I think, looked me directly in the eyes whenever the songs lyrics would be something like...

Niki , intentionally, I think, looked me directly in the eyes whenever the songs lyrics would be something like

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Everytime he did , the blush on my face would just deepen. By the end of the performance I was as red as a freaking apple.

Mina was just laughing her ass off at my face the whole time . "let's see if you'll laugh after their next break" I threatened.

Enhypen continued to practice all of the songs they'd be performing , and before I knew it , they were done.

I smirked to myself and went back to where I gave Niki the water bottle earlier.

I had a big smile on my face as I waited for Niki to walk over to me. But my smile slowly faded as I saw a female staff walk up to Niki with a water bottle in her hands.

I sighed, thinking he would take her water bottle and forget about the one I had given him earlier.

I saw him smile at her and take it. It hurt man.

I was about to go back to my seat , but I saw Niki walking over to me. "yah where do you think you're going?"...

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