Chapter 10

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"wait for me , ok y/n?" Niki pleaded, standing in the doorframe looking at me.

I sighed , and nodded my head.

Niki smiled my favorite boxy smile before running out of the door frame. I looked at the TV to see what they were performing without Niki, and luckily the staff came up with heeseung performing Off My Face.

as I watched the screen I watched the rest of enhypen join heeseung on the stage when the song had finished.

"ok now everyone , we know that y'all are all very excited , but please be safe and don't harm the others around you. That way we can keep performing for you guys with no interruptions !!" Heeseung said , sternly but not in a scolding way.

after that , the concert continued like normal . I checked my phone to see Mina blowing my phone up.

I furrowed my eyebrows and decided to call her.


me : yah why tf are you blowing my phone up?

Mina : y/n! the best thing happened to me!

me : ... ok what happened ..?

Mina : ok so while I was waiting for you to get treated by Niki, my fine ass bias comes around the corner in my direction.

I chuckled at her story, just the way she described things make me laugh.

Mina : and I thought he was gonna walk past me but no! He stopped and told me to follow him. and so I did , and he brought me to his dressing room.

I listened to her story carefully.

Mina : and I asked him why he brought me here and girl.. he said 'because I don't want you to get hurt as well' and bro.. I died on the inside.

Me : BAHAH and what did you do after that ?!

Mina : well I was shocked. so I stood there like a dummy and he called me cute..

Me : looks like I'm not the only one who's getting closer to their dream bias

Mina : yeah yeah , oh they just finished the concert . I'm gonna go so .... Yeh bye

she said and then hung up the phone . I laughed at how shocked she was at her own life.

I didn't realize how much time had passed as I was too invested in the concert before calling Mina.

I was just scrolling on Twitter , not minding my surroundings when I felt a pair of hands cover my eyes.

"guess whooo?" The deep voice spoke from behind me. I giggled .

"Riki I know it's you." I chuckled , grabbing his hands and pulling them away from my face.

I turned around and met his penetrating gaze. His face had sweat dripping down the sides , and he was still trying to regain his normal breathing pattern.

"yah Riki, sit down . you look exhausted" I said getting up , but he shook his head and pulled me back down onto the small couch, sitting next to me.

"ok. are you ready for me to tell you why I'm treating you differently from the other fans , and what differs you from them?" Niki asked me softly.

I nodded my head , really curious as to what his answer would be.

he fixed his sitting position before speaking.

"remember what you said to me at the fansign yesterday ?" He asked me , looking me in the eyes.

I shyly nodded my head. "well before you said that , I was sad , angry , felt betrayed , and felt disappointed in myself . I felt that because of that dating scandal , it was my fault some how. I twisted it to where I was at fault and that our engenes were right about everything they've said and commented about me" Niki said , slightly tearing up.

"That whole week I cried almost all day , barely getting enough sleep because of all the hate I was getting . Everyone was blaming me , and I believed them and blamed myself too." Niki confessed.

I grabbed his hands into mine , slightly stroking them with my thumbs. "Niki none of that was your fault. How could you have controlled what other fans would think about a picture that clearly wasn't you?" I asked him softly .

He sniffled.

"but then we had the fan sign. I already knew how everyone was going to act towards me, but it still hurt to see our fans , the people I've tried so hard to prove myself to , just completely ignore me , skip over me , or just be rude to me." He said.

He paused for a moment before continuing with his explanation.

"but then you came along." He said , making me look straight into his eyes.

"you made me feel better . you made me feel like everything wasn't my fault . You made me smile again. you brought my happiness back. You were the only one to make sure and say such meaningful words to me. I was sad when you left the venue so I rushed to our manager and begged them to let me give you the VIP tickets." Niki said , a small smile growing on his face.

"I knew that I shouldn't let you go that easily . I got you these tickets so that I could see you again, and talk to you without a time limit. and to tell you that..." Niki stopped short.

"tell me what Niki?" I asked curiously.

"y/n.. I don't know what this feeling is but everytime I'm around you it's like everything bad in my life goes away just at the sight of you. I feel safe with you , and I know I shouldn't trust someone right away but , I can't help it" he confessed.

a deep blush colored my face as he said those words to me. "Riki.." I whispered, but he cut me off.

"you're my safe place y/n. and I don't want to lose you. I cant stand being away from you for too long. And I need some time to figure out these feelings but..until then.. can we be friends ?" He asked.

I chuckled . "THE nishimura Riki wants to be friends with me?" I stated the ironic.

he chuckled and shyly nodded.

"of course I will Riki.."


double update bc I'm just now realizing that 1000 words is a very very short chapter and yall deserve more sooo.. ya

also I have a tiktok account for edits that y'all should totally follow...


We don't post alot bc I'm in sports and the other owner works , BUT we post when we can.

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