Chapter 1

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Edward Kaspbrak || 8/24/1992 || 5:05 AM

"Beep Beep Beep."
My heavy eyes began to open seeing the bright sun shine through my window. I turn over to see my annoying alarm clock that seems to be the one making all the racket. Like always, dumb clock.

"Eddie bear, you awake? Oh good you are!" The door opened and my mother was standing in the doorway. "Yep yep, I'm wide awake." I mumbled into my pillow.

"Come on Eddie! You have a big day ahead of you." She said happily. She walked over to my closet and pulled out a couple of clothes and put them neatly at the end of my bed.

"Ah! I'm just so proud. You're a senior, and then next year your going to college. And then you'll move back here and live with me. Oh an-..."
She was blubbering about my future because apparently I can't do any thing my self. So I kinda zone out when she's talking about it, so I don't feel bad when I leave her for good. You might think that's pretty cruel, but she has been shoving fake pills down my throat before I could even talk. Because I'm sick. I know, it's a load of bullshit.

"Eddie dear? Are you listening?" My mother asked pausing from her rant.

"Oh? Oh! Yeah, I'm can't wait." I said.

"Well then, get your lazy butt up and get dressed before your late!" She smiled and rushed out of the room to prepare my pill breakfast like she does everyday.

I got off my bed and grabbed the clothes she picked out. I put them on neatly and looked in the mirror. I was wearing a pair plain dark blue jeans, and a off white polo, eh not too bad. I grabbed my bag and headed to the bathroom to brush my teeth and fix up my hair. I finished up in there and headed down stairs, my mother was in the living room watching some show on our box TV. "Eddie Bear, your pills are on the counter. Don't leave before you take them." She yelled from her living room chair. "Yeah! I'm doing it now!" I said peeking into the doorway, I grabbed the pills she set out and put them in my bag, I know she counts them so I just throw them away once I get to school.

I walked into the living room, kissed her on the forehead and said my goodbyes before grabbing my keys and walking out the front door. It was around 5:30 AM when I walked out, I pick up the rest of the Losers since I'm the only one with a car and they hate riding the bus.

I started up my car and the radio immediately started playing, there was only one good station in our area. "Up next a new favorite, I'm Eighteen by Alice Cooper!" The radio host said with his fake reporter tone. I didn't mind listening to the radio much, but I know Bev has a stack of cassette tapes she likes to play on the way to school since she decided she was the Queen of the passenger seat of my car.

I pull up to her apartment and honk twice, she pops her head out her window and yells, "Hold up! I'm almost ready! I gotta take a piss!" She wasn't a quiet 'appropriate' young lady as her aunt scolds her about. Bev used to live with her dad, but some shit went down with him and he got sent away. But even tho she says her aunt is a 'bitch' at times, she is grateful for her.

Bev runs out of the side door of her apartment and runs down the stairs connected to the building. "Good morning, Sir Edward!" She said opening the passenger side door and taking her rightful spot next to me. "Oh god stop, I actually hate that." I laughed putting the car out of park. "What? You don't like me being a proper young lady? Oh no! What will my aunt think?" She said dramatically throwing herself back into the seat putting her hand up to her forehead and gasping. "When do you listen to her anyway?" I laughed at her.

"Yeah you're right." She shrugged and pulled out her bag and pulling out three cassette tapes. "What will it be this fine morning? Nirvana, Meatloaf, or AC/DC?" She asked. "How about AC/DC for this fine morning." I said, Bev was going through a rock phase so I just go with it. She smiled and happily turned off the radio and put the cassette tape in the stereo.

The next person to pick up was Bill, he still lives in his childhood home on Neibolt Street. Me and Bev sing along to the lyrics to Highway To Hell as we pull into his driveway. I do my routine and honk twice, he walks out of his front door with his bag and gives us a friendly wave. Bill sees Bev and the front seat and rolls his eyes and opens the backseat door. "Hey guys!" He says making himself comfortable in the back. "Morning Bill!" Bev said resting her head back on the seat turning her head to look at him in the backseat.

"Morning Bev, AC/DC again?" He said clearly, adjusting his bag in his lap. "You are correct, Eddie picked this time!" She smiled and poked my cheek. I rolled my eyes at her as I pulled out of Bill's driveway and made my way to Ben's place.

As the time flew I had the whole group in my car, and they were all bickering about where to go after school to celebrate the first day of our Senior year. I honestly wouldn't mind anything, as long as I got food out of it. "Alright you guys need to calm down, we're here. We can figure this out later, I don't want you all to rip each other's heads off in my car." I said turning into Derry High-School's parking lot. They all stopped talking and grabbed their bags, getting ready to enter our dreadful school for one last year.

I parked my car and grabbed my belongings as well, we all exited and we all made our way to the school's doors. We had all gotten our schedules before school started, so we didn't have to worry about the line in the office for the kids who didn't pick their's up during the summer. Me and the group had already figured out our classes, and see who had who in which period. I didn't have any classes with Ben and Mike since they were in all AP classes, but we did all have lunch together so that was something to look forward to.

All of the Losers had separated to find our lockers and put our things away. As I was putting my bag into my assigned locker, I hear someone yell from down the hallway, "Oh my god!! Eddie!" I close my locker and see Greta rushing towards me, now what the hell?

"Good morning, Greta!" I said happily, me and Greta have actually became good friends after middle school. And I'm quite glad about that, mostly because she told me that the pills my mom had me taking were fake. Thank god for that one, she's a life saver!

"Did you hear?" She said close up in my face, she looked shocked and her tone sounded worried. "Hear what? Is everything okay?" I asked trying to calm her down. "He's back!!"

I looked at her in confusion, who's back? My question was answered when a tall, skinny, pale boy with curly black hair and a similar coke bottle glasses appeared down the wall.

Oh my god, Richie.
Published: 7/2/2022
A/N: First fic back from almost a 2 year break, I don't really know where this is going but I have always wanted to write a Reddie fanfic, and finish it. I tried to keep it canon but with my style of the characters as teenagers. I actually got the idea from rewatching Pretty Little Liars, but hopefully this doesn't go to shit.

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