Chapter 2

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Edward Kaspbrak || 9/18/1992 || 2:12 PM
Bell just hurry up and ring! Let's go!
Thank god it's Friday! A lot has happened since I talked to Richie in the band room, we actually hang out every weekend. I haven't told the rest of the Losers, me and Rich both decided it wasn't the best idea. I told him that I'll tell them eventually but for right now I enjoy just hanging out with him.

Finally! I grabbed my books and pushed through the crowd of students, heading to locker to grab my bag.

"Yo! Eds!" A voice called out for me, I turned my head and it was Bev.

"Hey Bev! What's up?" I asked grabbing my bag, stuffing my books inside.

"Me and the rest of the gang is gonna hang out after school, maybe catch a movie, you in?" She asked leaning against the locker next to mine, I haven't told her anything about Rich, and I tell her everything with kinda makes me feel bad.

"Shit, uh I can't this weekend! My mom still has me on this medication trial and she wants me home as much as possible to keep an eye on me, you know how she is." I said nervously, I'm not the best liar but hey I gotta try. She looked at me up and down, before shrugging.

"That really sucks man, but if you get the chance to be set free from your prison, give me call!" She gave me a fist bump being saying goodbye to catch her bus. I normally give them all a ride home, but I had to tell them that I couldn't anymore since my "medication trial" and that my mom was driving me to school. But in reality, I'm driving me and Rich to his place after school. My mom would flip her shit if Richie was at our house, so we go to his.

I walked the Losers out to the front doors, to where the buses pick up the students and said my goodbyes. After I saw them get on the bus, I gave them a wave and walked to the back parking lot of the school where Richie is normally waiting for me.

I walked out the back doors and looked around for Rich, he was sitting on the ground up against the wall smoking a cigarette.

"Ew, Rich! What did I say about those?" I cringed as I could smell the cancer stick.

He gave me a smile, shook his head and put it on, smashing it into the ground, "I recall you saying, smoke another one?" And he got off the ground and walked towards me.

I rolled my eyes and scoffed, I started walking to my car, knowing Richie was following me.

"I would never say that, and again ew!" I opened the door, taking my seat in the driver's side and Richie getting in on the passenger side.

"Yeah yeah I know Eds." Richie said getting comfortable in his seat, he doesn't like to wear his seatbelt and I always yell at him for it but he just shrugs it off.

"You want to head over to your place or want to stop somewhere to eat?" I asked pulling my car out of the parking lot, me and Rich normally would go over to this diner at the edge of town. It's nice, and no one goes there unless their regulars which isn't any of the kids at our school so we don't need to worry.

"Eh I don't feel like getting involved with human interaction today, Eds. People in this town still like to whisper, you know?" Rich said shrugging off the context, I knew what he was talking about. I haven't asked him what happened yet, about how he ended up in reform school. I don't want to push but I really want to know why.

"Fine by me! So off to your place then, is your dad home?" I asked taking my normal route to Richie's house, I don't really like Richie's dad. He makes me a little uncomfortable with all the drinking, but either then that he just gives me the creeps.

"Nah I don't think so, he should be on the road by now. He got a new shipment for his truck, he should be gone for 4 days at most." Rich answered, I always forget his dad's a trucker, I mean it makes sense, he always smells like beer and gasoline.

Soon enough we pulled in Rich's driveway, I don't mind Rich's house but I can tell his living condition is poor. Not to sound rude but he lives like white trash, and there's nothing wrong with that. But sometimes I feel bad that I can't fix it.

I can't fix Rich's life,
I can't fix his home
Or his dad
Nor his past
But I can sure as hell help

Yeah- I can help!
Published: 11/20/2022

A/N: Kinda shit and kinda fire, but hey it's something!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2022 ⏰

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