Chapter 1 || Volume 2

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Richard Tozier || 8/24/1992 || 5:49 AM

"Beep! Beep! Beep!"
I groan as I lay in my bed listening to my alarm clock go off repeatedly. I slam my hand down on the snooze button, again. Ugh, just five more minutes. I let my eyes close and think of all my wonderful dreams I'm missing by being awake this early. I make myself comfortable once again, snuggled up in my blanket. Until my door slams open.

"Richard! Get your ass up, and stop that annoying fucking clock!" The voice booms, making me jump up from my original position. I quickly sit up and grab my glasses. My eyes quickly adjusted and it was my Father. "Okay Jesus, you almost gave me a fucking heart-attack." I said groaning and rubbing my face and eyes. Fucking dick. "Maybe you should have gotten up the first time, and heard that damn clock I wouldn't be here right now!" He shouted, and with that he exited my room slamming the door behind him.

My dad wasn't a horrible person, he was loud that's all. Sometimes he would get drunk and get louder but he was just an angry drunk. It's not like he locks me in a closet for days, but he can be a fucking douchebag when he wants to be. This morning would be considered a good morning in my house.

My mother had left when I was eight, and my dad took it pretty hard. I kinda just watched from the sidelines as he crumbled, I wasn't sure what to do at that point. But you can say I'm over it, I mean I don't cry myself to sleep over it anymore. And it's not an everyday thought, but sometimes it does cloud my mind. And I wonder where she is and if she's thinking about me too. But those are just thoughts, not reality.

I put my feet on the ground and prepare for my head to feel dizzy and to see dots when I stand up. And as I predicted, I was standing up and immediately regretting it. I stumble my way over to my closest and grab whatever is hanging up, then a pair of pants that were laying peacefully on my floor. I'm sorry my kind friendly pants, I know you were resting, but so was I.

I got my shirt and pants on, probably as slow as humanly possible. I didn't think about doing my hair or brushing my teeth, I saw no reason to. My teeth and hair are gonna fall out when I'm old and dying anyway, so whatever. I put on my boots, mostly because they were easier to put on then my converses. I grabbed my bag, and headed down the hall to the living room where my dad was resting from his hangover. I gave him two Ibuprofens and a glass of water. "Don't kill yourself while I'm gone, son." I said jokingly, he chuckled and took the medicine I had given him. "I'll try not to, old man." He gave me a calm reassuring smile and pulled keys out of his pocket.

"Thought I would just give these to you now, so you don't pickpocket me in my sleep to drive my bike." He said putting them in my hand and closing his eyes. "Oh! Thank you my dear boy!" I said kissing his forehead. "Your kindness will not be forgotten!" I said in what I would say a amazing British accent. "Just go before I put you up for adoption." And with that last word I was out the door.

I loved my dad's motorcycle, and he was too hangover to drive today anyway. So as my first day back to High-school- oh my god, my first day back to Derry High-School. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck!! Shit! How did I not think about that. I'm a fucking idiot.

I sat on the bike for a moment before starting it up, I was already going to be later then everyone else and I didn't grab my schedule before school started so there's gonna be a line. It was around 6:34 AM when I left my house and school starts at 7 AM. Thankfully the school wasn't too far from my house, probably a good 10 to 15 minutes depending on the assholes on the road. I decided to listen to music on my Walkman then the radio, and the cassette of the day was The Ramones. The Ramones are my favorite band of all time, I would honestly give up my soul to see Joey Ramone sing.

I drove with the music blasting through my headphones, the cool morning wind destroying my hair, I mean I know I didn't style it but it was half decent when I left. I eventually made it to Derry High-School and parked my bike in the back of the parking lot, I didn't feel like dealing with fighting over parking this morning. I got off my bike and quickly fixed up my hair, and when I say fix I mean shake it up a bit. My hair was at my shoulders, and I thanked the lords when they didn't shave it. Reform school was not fun, but thankfully I made it out with my beautiful curls.

I made my way through the parking lot trying not to get hit by sophomores who just got their drivers license. I eventually made it safely into the school, the moment I stepped in eyes were already on me. Oh fuck you, look at someone else dipshits. I can tell you, I was already used to the stares being back in the summer. So they kinda just piss me off, but I can say everything as changed since I've been gone.

I made my way down the hallway, pushing through crowds of students, I just needed to get my schedule. But I was hearing the whispers from other students, and I can say they were quite obnoxious.

"Omg that's Richie Tozier! I heard he killed his neighbor's cat!"
"Didn't he burn down that house on Nelibot Street?"
"Was he the cause of that kid going missing?"
"Oh god, he still had those same ugly glasses."
"I heard he was a drug addict, and he robbed a lady for money to get herion."

I couldn't help but laugh at some of those, suddenly I turned into a murderer, a child thief, a arsonist, and a drug addict. Damn I got hella time on my hands apparently. I didn't interact with anyone saying anything, no reason to start trouble on my first 5 minutes back. I made it through the crowd of students, and reached the office. The line had thankfully died down, mostly because the bell was gonna ring any minute.

The front office lady stared at me when I told her my name, and to be honest she looked at me like I had just killed her daughter's first born. She eventually handed me my schedule and I was out of there. I had most honors and AP English, not to brag but I'm pretty much a genius. I looked up from my schedule trying to figure out where my homeroom was, and then I saw no other then Beverly Marsh. She stared back at me with her eyes popping out of their socket it seemed like. I smiled softly at her, this is so fucking awkward. She nervously gave me a kind wave before turning around and speed walking down another hall.

I mentally was beating myself up as I walked to my homeroom after asking another student where the classroom was. My homeroom was the Drama classroom, and it was filled of a bunch of another students from different grades. I sat down in a random chair and just stared at the ceiling. I just want to go home already, I'm tired.

My thoughts were interrupted by a raspy voice standing in front of me, "Richie fucking Tozier, I thought you fuckin' died." I looked at the figure and it was Henry Bowser, and he still was rocking the ugly blonde mullet. "I'm surprised you're alive dumbass, haven't got shot I see?" He dabbed me up and sat down next to me. "You glad to be back?" He asked propping his feet up on his desk. "Yes and no, glad to be home but not glad to be in this hell hole." I said staring straight ahead giving him a glance.

"Well hopefully this school year doesn't suck dick, now that my best man is back!" He said putting me in a headlock and messing up my hair. Me and Henry became close in my Freshman year, even tho he bullied me in middle school, he's changed. We never mention middle school and we like it that way. I know he's sorry, and we both are just happy to be in the present.

I fight him back to get out of his headlock, we laugh it off until the teacher yells at us to stop. I groan at the sound of the bell ringing, just as the teacher was about to close the door and turn on the TV for the school's morning news a boy rushes through repeatedly apologizing for bumping into the old cranky teacher.

Jesus fuck, Eddie.
Published: 7/3/2022

A/N: Sorry for the kinda shit chapter, I tried to make Richie as canon as possible but with my own little touches. Also just so you know, Eddie was already at school by the time Richie woke up. And I didn't want Richie to see Eddie down the hall mostly because he wasn't worrying about the people around him and wasn't paying any attention.

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