
Max and Anne made their way into the Locker room. They heard loud voices outside, knowing it was the other team. As the girls quickly got changed, Max stressed about Jane. Where was she? The game would start any minute now, and she couldn't just run onto the court in the middle of it. She tried her best not to worry and followed her teammates out of the locker room.

The crowd cheered loudly as the girls made their way onto the court. A few of them waved to the audience and the others stayed focused and kept to themselves. Max and Anne spotted Lucas and Dustin sitting in the back seats. The girls sent them smiles and ran out tot their places on the court. They warmed up and the game began.

The volleys stayed lame and the game was long, tiring. The girls lost at 21 to 6. Their coach shook her head in disappointment as the ball touched the floor the last time. The girls went back to the locker room, ready for their discipline talk. Max lead her eyes to the boys, but her eyes stopped on the brunette girl in front. She was cross crossed on a seat and she met eyes with Max, giving an apologetic look. Max just rolled her eyes and ran to the locker room.

"It really wasn't that bad!" Dustin said to Max, trying to get her out of her bad mood. She'd been that way all week because of the game (or that everyone thought).

"Cmon Max. You hit the most anyways! Doesn't that make you a winner?" Lucas smiled.

"Hey, guys!" Mike yelled as he caught up to his group.

"There you are!" Anne scoffed, "you've been gone this entire week."

"I- no- I haven't!"

"You have! You didn't even come to our first game!"

"And maybe it was for the better." Max mumbled.

"And where's Will?" asked Anne. Mike's face flustered pink.

"I don't know! I thought he would've been with you guys!"

Anne moaned. "We are falling apart." She walked away from the group and into a classroom, Dustin following. Mike and Lucas chatted, and Max wasn't feeling like school. She made her way towards the exit and left.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2023 ⏰

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