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max and I skipped the rest of the day to take Will home and make sure he was okay.
The entire drive in max's car was silent. I was in the backseat, holding Will in my arms as he was still shaking. It broke my heart to think about what Troy could've done to damage him so much to make him this upset. It really pissed me off, I wanted to hurt him so badly. I needed to get justice for Will. Hopper would surely arrest him, he'd get extra charges for stalking and stabbing him. He would surely get locked up for ages. but we wanted Will to be ready to explain what happened.
max was pissed at me for asking him about it, but I was worried about him! I don't regret asking him, i do regret making him upset again.
we walked inside, neither Joyce or hopper were home. It was just us three.
i walked Will upstairs to his room, holding him close to me as we walked.
he was quiet too, not even crying anymore. he was just quiet. he was thinking really deeply because when he laid down on his bed, he was staring off into space.
-"will?" I repeated a few times before he looked up and raised his eyebrows.
-"sorry, yeah?" he whispered.
-"don't be, and I'm staying with you here until 3, or your parents get here. Is that okay?" I ask.
he followed up with a nod, before max walked in with a glass of iced water and gave it to Will.
-"thanks max." He said softly.
-"for sure.. mike? can I talk to you outside?" She asked, gritting your teeth.
i looked at Will, before turning on his tv for him and left him upstairs and max dragged me by my ear downstairs to the living room.
-"ow! Let go, psycho!" I screeched.
-"are you kidding?? You asked him?!"
-"I had to! I found a note that Troy gave him!!" I protested, giving her the note.
she put it in her pocket and slapped her hands together.
-"he would've told you when he was ready! You can't force him to talk about things like that!!" She scoffed.
-"I didn't force him to do anything! i was worried about him, I still am! I'm terrified to death of something bad happening to him! he was keeping all of this to himself and not telling anyone! he acted like he was all alone with this. Troy did something to him, he wasn't safe. He still isn't safe. He was stalking him! Us. So, excuse me if I ask him what's going on because I can't just stand there and watch him slowly kill his inner self like that!!" I raise my voice, quiet enough for Will to not to hear.
she was silent, just looking at me. she had a sad expression on her face.
-"just.. please don't ask him to talk to hopper or an adult about it yet. Not until he actually wants to." She said.
-"of course, but we need to do something about Troy." I said.
-"like what? what are we supposed to do? we can't stop will and him from seeing each other, they have classes together. And he said on the note, that he would hurt him if he told anyone." She stated.
-"we just need a plan." I nodded.

after what seemed like an hour of talking, he almost forgot Will was still upstairs.
I walked upstairs and max stayed on the couch, he was sleeping peacefully. The calmness on his face made my heart glow. I moved his fluffy hair out his face and kissed his forehead.
God, I miss him.
I hope he'll be okay soon.
I pulled his blanket over him, as he moved around to get comfier.
i didn't know what time his mom was going to be home, but it was now 3:15. My parents will yell at me if I'm not home.
I wrote a note and put it on wills nightstand before max and I said goodbye before I walked through the path in the woods back home.
i really hope this will be over soon.
I cant even begin to imagine what wills mind is going through with all this.
i love him so much.


i woke up, not ever remembering going to sleep. I checked my clock on my nightstand, 4:56. I see a piece of paper with writing on it, I recognized the handwriting.

"I had to go home, call me when you get the chance if you feel like it. I love you so, so much.
- mike."

I smiled at how messy his handwriting was, I stood up and realized what our last conversation was about. What I confessed, oh god.
Is he going to talk to Troy?
he'll kill me.
I'm not ready to tell my parents yet, or anyone else in fact. The only reason I told him was because I felt like it was eating me up, I never really said the words out loud. To say them again sounded like a nightmare.
I walked downstairs, el was watching tv with hopper. I gave her a look of anger, still upset about what she said earlier.
She knows what all I go through.
She of all people should know what it's like.
She was locked in a lab all of her life for fucks sake.
-"Will, sweetheart? will you help me make dinner?" She asked.
I walked over, saw her making meatloaf, with potatoes and broccoli.
She she looked at me, noticing the side of my face.
-"what happened??" She asked, touching it.
-"nothing, I just fell in class. why meatloaf?"
-"because, we're having dinner with your dad today. He's leaving town tomorrow, he just wants to talk to you again." She said, hesitating.
-"what about now? About how he's changed? he's done drinking?" I chuckle in disbelief.
-"Jonathan refused to come, he hates your dad." She said.
-"that makes two of us." I mumbled, setting the table up.
-"you don't have to talk to him at all after today, not if you don't want to. I hate the guy too, okay? just please don't snap at him today." she pleaded.
I rolled my eyes, not noticing el looking at me. She looked away when I made eye contact with her.
I heard a knock on my door, knowing it was my dad. I didn't want to answer it, so I let el get it. my dad walked in, tall with pride. he waved to me and sat down at the table not speaking.
i fucking hate him with every bone in my body.
Everyone sat at the table together, me sitting next to el across from my dad.
-"I'm going back to Indianapolis tomorrow, will." He said, breaking the awkward silence.
-"I heard." I mumbled, not saying anything else.
-"well are you gonna ever visit me?" He asked, sounding snappy.
i didn't respond, instead I picked at my food.
it was silence again, until the doorbell rang.
-"I'll get it." I got up, not letting El get up before me.
I rushed to the door, but when I opened it Mike was standing a few feet away. I turned around to make sure they weren't looking before rushing outside and shutting the door behind me.
-"you can't be here!" I whispered.
-"why, what's going on?" He asked, with worry in his eyes.
-"my dads here, what are you doing here?" I asked frantically.
-"I forgot my jacket here, should I come back?" He asked.
-"one second." I sighed, opening the door and walking to where I saw his jacket laying on the couch.
i grabbed it and walked outside again.
-"I'll call you tonight, okay?" I said, before shutting the door in his face.
I felt a bit bad, but my dad hated mike. He found out I had feelings for him before he left. That's actually the reason why he left. That and he hates mom.
i sat back at the table in silence before eating again.
-"who was that?" my mom asked, but I ignored.
-"don't ignore your mom, it's disrespectful." Lonnie said.
-"what do you know about respect?" I laughed.
-"excuse me?" he stood up.
-"Will, lonnie!" Joyce yelled.
-"what are you still doing in town? Jonathan and I have told you multiple times that we're done with you!" I yelled across the table.
-"you don't talk to me like that!"
-"I wish you never came back! You left because I wasn't into baseball or football like all the other kids my age!!"
-"because you were a fag!" He yelled.
I threw my full plate at him, making my mom gasp.
Lonnie started walking towards the front door and walked out.
-"don't fucking come back!!" I yelled before slamming the door.
when I turned around, all of them were looking at me with different emotions on their faces.
El had a look of guilt and sadness. Hop had a look of confusion. My mom just looked like she was about to cry.
she walked over to me and hugged me.
I felt a tear run down my eye, as she cried over my shoulder. I didn't know why she was crying, but I let her.
god, what even is my life anymore.

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