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the next day.

it was finally Friday, Lucas, dustin, and I were getting a ride to the airport by Steve. we had all weekend plus today to hang out. I cant wait to see el, my best friend. I really needed her lately. I hope she's doing okay, we haven't talked in a while. I just assume she's been busy. I have been too, to be honest. It was an hour down to Indianapolis where he dropped us off. We all got out and grabbed our bags.

-"be careful." he marked, pulling his shades over his eyes.
-"okay, mom." Lucas and Dustin mocked.

i rolled their eyes as they laughed of satisfaction, we sped to the plane and walked aboard. We set our luggage in the above bins, and I sat down next to Lucas and Dustin sat by himself in the seat in front of us.
I put my headphones in and prepared myself for the long 4 hours next to Lucas. He was wearing jeans, with a hooded jacket and a plain black tee underneath.
he took his shoes off, and relaxing his feet on the seat in front of us with only socks on. I give him a look of disgust.
-"ew, Lucas. your feet smell weird." I pushed his feet down with my hand.
-"they do not! your feet smell weird!" He argued.

everyone on the plain shushed him, as he was raising his voice. I laughed at him, quietly, once everyone looked away from us.
-"you're mean." he sarcastically cried."
-"shut up." I chuckled rolling my eyes.
I placed my headphones over my head, listening to Angel by Madonna.

After listening to all the tapes I had, I was getting bored of repeating them over and over. I took my headphones off, and realized Lucas was asleep.
as I put my Walkman back in my bag, Lucas' head began to fall on my shoulder. I didn't mind it, not until he started snoring and drooling. I pushed him off of me, making his head lay against the wall.
-"gross." I whisper to myself. I check the time, it was 7 pm now. We should be getting of any minute now, it's been 4 and a half hours.

after a few minutes of waiting, the pilot spoke over the intercom that we were arriving and to get our stuff once it landed.
I shook Lucas awake, making him jump.
-"let's go, sleepy head." I mocked him.
I put my backpack over my back and grabbed the small bag I packed for the weekend.

Dustin, Lucas and I walked out to see Joyce, el,  mike, and Will waiting for us. Unlike Lucas and Dustin, I noticed the long face on el. I walked up to her, she was excited to see me.

-"max!" She smiled, standing up to hug me calmly.
-"it's been ages, how have you been?" I ask, smiling brightly.
-"good." She said.
Even though she was happy, I could tell something was on her mind. I just couldn't quiet reach what it was. Not until I went up to mike and gave him a small hug, he was acting that way too. Did something happen between them? I hugged will, he was happier then the both of them. He had the cutest smile spread across his face from reuniting with his friends again. Everything was great, we were all laughing and having fun. We talked all the way home about everything we've been doing. but el and mike were silent unless they were being asked a question. They sat right next to each other, looking uncomfortable. i didn't want them to be upset, once we got to their house, I touched Els shoulder.
-"hey, you okay?" I whispered in her ear.
-"yep, fine." She said, forcing a smile.

i shook it off, grabbing my bag, as we all walked in together. The house was really nice, much bigger than their old one. I followed El up to her room, and the guys went downstairs to, what I assume, wills room.
els room was pretty nice. It was spacious, and she still had the stuffed animal laying in her bed that I won for her at the fair last summer.
-"your rooms nice." I complimented.
-"it's so messy, I had no time to clean." She groaned.
-"I think it looks fine." I chuckled, setting my bag against the wall.

she sat on the bed, still looking gloomy.
-"what's wrong? You've had the same, sad face ever since we got here." I asked, sitting next to her.
-"mike and i. We had a fight, like a real fight. I don't think he's in love with me anymore, and I told him that. He didn't confirm or deny anything I said, so I just assume it's true." She sighed.
-"what? I'm so sorry, el." I was surprised, but I put my hand on her shoulder for comfort.
-"no, it's okay. Really, I've kind of been expecting for this to happen. Like.. deep down, I've been feeling him pull away. I guess I just didn't want to accept it."
-"why don't you seem that upset about it?" I ask, concerned.
-"no, I am. I miss what we had, but he can't help it if he really feels that way. Can't blame him either, we've both changed a lot. Maybe it was just the wrong time for us."
-"totally, I'm here for you. I can help you feel better. What do you wanna do tomorrow? You got any malls around here? I could take you shopping." I offered.
she nodded, smiling, as she began to play music from her radio.

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