Confusing wrong feelings

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going to the library that I enjoyed so much. 

I got to the library and I began looking for anything about non-verbal spells, I couldn’t find one for so long so I decided to ask Madam Prince. I went up to her little desk, “Excuse me Madam Prince, I’m looking for a book about non-verbal spells for a project in Professor McGonagall’s class”she thought for a second before getting out of her chair and telling me to follow her. She took me to the bookcase in front of the restricted section and told me it should be somewhere around there. I told her thank you and she went back to her desk, I looked for anything starting with an n. It took me about 3 minutes but eventually I did find one. I went back to the front desk and checked it out. She wrote down that I had it and told me to make sure to tell her when I bring it back so she can write it down. I started reading immediately as I was walking down the hall to get back to my dorm. I continued reading. I could tell where I was going for the most part, I only had to look up every now and then. I was waiting for the stairs to stop moving to move, once they stopped I continued walking but I failed to lift my foot up enough. I tripped and fell into someone. As soon as I fell I apologized, I got up. I looked down at the person to help them up and it happened to be Remus. “Oh my god Remus I am so sorry, I was reading my book and I didn’t lift my foot up enough, I wasn’t looking I’m so sorry!” I rambled on with an apology as I was trying to help him up. “It’s fine, but truly we really do need to stop running into each other” I laughed. “Yeah, yeah we do.” he picked up my book and gave it to me with a smile. I grabbed it from him and slightly touched his hand. It made my cheeks heat up. I quickly then put my book under my arm and told him I was sorry again, but I really must go. He told me to have a goodnight and we went our separate ways. I am in love with Severus. I know that, more than anything I know that. What I don’t understand is my feelings for Remus, he confuses me. How I feel when we are together confuses me. I tried not to think about it too much and just get to my dorm. 

Once I got inside Hermione wasn’t there so I assumed she was with Ron and Harry. I continued writing, but I got out a quill and some parchment so I could write down some notes. I couldn’t stop thinking about how I feel with Remus, I felt so bad. I love Severus so much, but I feel bad knowing that Remus makes me feel something too. Whether it just be a silly crush or not. I decided to write a letter to…..

Published, June, 17th, 2022
Chapter 19: Unedited
529 Words

Unexpected Affection Professor Snape x Reader X Professor LupinWhere stories live. Discover now