A New Old Face?

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"I'm so sorry y/n I don't know what came over me, but that was so wrong. Please leave, it's nothing you did, but I can not be around you at the moment."

Oh. Well, at least it wasn't a horrid conversation, I am just fine leaving. I nodded my head and walked out of the door. Which mind you definitely should have been locked with what we were doing.

I decided to walk around for a while since it's around 3 at this point. I wasn't falling asleep. Especially with all the adrenaline still flowing through my system. After everything that had just transpired, I think I need a little walk to clear my head anyway. Without realizing, I had gone to the bridge that led to the main grounds. I liked it there. It was pretty, although more often than not, there were many other kids here.

But now, it was quiet, serene, and peaceful. It was a good place to relax and allow my mind to take the rest it so desperately screamed for. I began to climb the big tree, the one where ‘Moody’ had turned Draco into a ferret. That day was so funny. Its branches were wide enough to where I could lie on my stomach. I put one arm under my head to cushion it, and the other dangled from the branch with no need to put it anywhere.

It was extremely comfortable. Although you would assume it was horrendous and painful, it was quite the opposite. I felt as though I could stay on that branch forever, the sound of the crickets and leaves brushing against one another. Listening to all the sounds around me, I closed my eyes, truly taking in the beauty that Hogwarts was. I began to lose consciousness, finding it hard to keep my eyes open anymore. I closed my eyes once to let off the weight of them being open and had closed them for a moment too long.

The next time my eyes opened, they were met with a seemingly more than pissed Snape. Well shit. Look at my luck. Not only was I met with his anger, but it was now light. I had slept in a tree, a fucking tree! I mean it isn’t my fault that the tree decided to be so comforting.

I think I’m only trying to distract myself from the conflict in front of me at this point. That conflict not being a situation rather a man. One I had been expertly avoiding in my opinion.

Up until this moment obviously.

"You seem to believe the rules of this school do not apply to you." He drew out. I feel that is quite insensitive seeing as though he used to be the one helping me break said rules.

"I'm sorry sir. I was talking to a Professor late and came to clear my mind and the tree had been so comforting." He looked at me as though I was both crazy, making a good excuse for myself, and I had just said the worst sentence I could have in this situation.

"Which Professor Y/n?" My breath hitched. Yeah it was the last one, the worst sentence I could have chosen. I could see the anger building in his eyes slowly making it to his body and not just his expression.

I took a deep breath hoping to calm the voice in my head filled with anger, guilt, and nervousness. "It seems that it is none of your business unless you had been told prior to the meeting." Was this going to make his anger heighten to dangerous levels? Possibly. Was I about to let him talk down to me though? No.

His chest began to heave up and down, faster and faster. His anger boiling over, not having patience to deal with my antics in such a moment. "So it was Lupin, was it darling?" The simple use of the name made me want to scream

The ball of hatred for him growing at this use of the name only grew. That crumpled sphere of hatred may be there forever, but so would my yearning that flowed through all my limbs and veins.

He began walking forward as I took cautious steps backward.

"What if it was Remus Snape? You don't own me. We aren't together, you can't control who I decide I get to spend my free time with!"

Unexpected Affection Professor Snape x Reader X Professor LupinWhere stories live. Discover now