Apology after apology

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I knew we had to talk, but god damn. I can’t catch a break, can I? No, I can not. I decided to just get it over with and tell him I know. We went to his kitchen area, and he made tea, and I sat down. He really likes his tea. I don't think I’ve ever seen him without his tea and / or his chocolate. “Y/N, what happened last night can not happen again, I’m sorry I let it happen once. I want to continue talking and having this friendship, but I could lose my job, and you could be expelled. I’m looking out for the both of us. I am sorry.” He spoke clearly and quickly, if I might say myself.

I knew that this was hard for him to say because obviously he had felt something. I could also just see it in his eyes. “I know, and I’m so sorry I wasn’t in full control last night. I want to continue being friends as well. You are one of my favorite people, Remus. I’m gonna go to my dorm and I think we should take some time, only a little though.” He nodded his head in agreement, I gave him a very quick hug, and then I made my way to my dorm. I don’t know why, but I wasn’t crying, and I didn’t feel sad. Rather, I felt relief. 

I had finally felt like I wasn’t confused. Of course, I knew I still had a flame with Remus, and I probably would for a moment. I know that I’m in love with Severus even if he’s in love with someone else. I can give him time. Well, I hope I can. At this moment, though, I feel a lot better than I have in a while. Meaning hopefully I can focus on my school work and hanging out with Ron because I totally blew him off a few days ago to hang out with Severus. I went to the common room and looked for Ron. Thankfully, he was there playing wizard chess with Ginny. She was like one of the only people who stood a chance against him. I swear he was amazing. “Hey Ron, can we talk, please?” He looked at me aggravated but got up from his seat telling Ginny to wait a second for him.

I went and sat on the couch near the fireplace. He sat on the other side of the couch with his arms folded. “Ron I am so sorry, I’ve been blowing you off lately. I’m a terrible best friend. There has been so much going on, and I felt like I was losing myself, and I should’ve just told you what was going on instead of ignoring you. I really miss you though, apology sleepover in the secret hideout?” I apologized.

As much as I didn’t tell him everything, I told him some stuff. Which wasn’t a lie. He took a deep breath and let his arms relax. “Of course Y/N, just next time don’t try to shut me out. I’m here for a reason, don't ignore it. I’ll always be here for your weird, understandable meltdowns. Promise you won’t ignore me anymore, I missed you.” I promised and had a long hug. I felt so happy to not have Ron mad at me anymore.

“Meet after lights out. I’m gonna go get everything ready.” I ran up the stairs to the girls' dormitory. I stuffed games, blankets, pillows, and some snacks in my bag that had a charm on it so I could put anything I needed in it. I still had a really long time till lights out, so I went to see if Fred or George wanted to go hang out. Since I’ve kind of been blowing them off as well. Which means I need to once again she needed to apologize for ignoring them. Although she would apologize a milling times for a million different things if she didn’t ever need to let them go.

I went to find them and apologize. I assumed they would either be running around playing pranks on Filch or they were in the common room planning a prank. She went and tried to find Filch first. When that failed, she went back to the common room. She knew she couldn’t get to the guys from, so she went up to another guy who was in the common room and asked if he would go get the twins for her. He agreed and went up the stairs to the boys' dormitory. A few minutes later, the twins and the guy came down. The guy gave me a smile, and he went back to sitting on a chair, resuming his reading from before. Fred and George both had annoyed looks on their faces. I sighed and went ready to give another apology to the boys of the Weasley family.

“I am so sorry you guys, I can tell you’re both mad at me. Which you have every right to be. I know I've been blowing you guys off lately, and I’m so sorry. I just had a lot on my mind. I was kind of hoping that I could help you guys with a prank, though? I will even help you guys test pranks. Just please forgive me, I miss you both so much,” I began my apology. They both turned to each other virtually, having a conversation with no words. I couldn’t really tell what they were thinking. It’s always difficult with the twins. After a moment or so, they looked at me with angry faces. “We do not accept,” the twins said in harmony. I felt tears tickle the sides of my eyes. I was about to turn around and say okay and just go back to my dorms, but they burst into a fir of laughter. I rolled my eyes and realized I was just pranked. That was mean. It is very deserved but mean.

They both stepped closer to me, giving me a hug. I very happily accepted their hug and smiled glad they had forgiven me quickly as Ron did. The Weasley family really was one of few who had the patience of a lion. “Of course we forgive you Al’s, we missed you too,” Fred spoke for both him and George.

George pitched into the conversation, “And since you so happily offered, our next prank is on none other than Snape. So hurry up so we can fill you in while we get started.” I kind of regretted asking now.

Word count: 1097
Published: Jan 8, 2023

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