In hiding

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George pitched into the conversation, “And since you so happily offered, our next prank is on none other than Snape. So hurry up so we can fill you in while we get started.”

I kind of regretted asking now. I know Severus and I were in a rough type of spot right now (when are we not anymore). I also knew, though, that he was not in one of the best moods he could be in. I followed behind the twins, though, not wanting to once again back out. I also kind of wanted to prank him, though, considering everything. As we walked, they explained the prank to me. “We recently learned that teachers private rooms can be found through a door in their classrooms, this being said they also have a password, but we are hoping we can just figure it out, then we are going to put hair color changing solution, it will change his hair every 7 hours for a week,” both of them explained to me.

“You realize this is Snape, and his password is probably something super intricate,” I pointed out to them. They looked at each other and shrugged. We walked down to the dungeons, and they had me check if there was anyone in the class. His classroom door was unlocked, and he was nowhere to be seen, so I signaled them in. Being back in his classroom flooded me with all kinds of emotions. Most of all, it made me wanna do this prank all the more. We went and found the door to his room. We began to guess the password. We guessed a bunch of potions names, and we named things we thought he’d like. After nothing worked, we began to get discouraged. That’s when I remembered Harry’s mom; Lily, she was the one who he was still in love with. It would make sense if it was the password.

I went close to the door and whispered it, we heard a noise, and Fred reached for the handle, and to our surprise, it worked. We wearily walked in and tried to find our way to his bathroom. It wasn’t long since it wasn’t very big. George poured the stuff in his shampoo. They also put puking pastilles in his coffee mug. I was mainly just looking around. I didn’t have much to do since they already had everything covered. I saw how much grading he still had to do. Usually, he would have it all done by now. I feel kind of bad now it looks like he was doing worse than I thought.

The twins finished and asked me to check if the coast was clear. When I went to open his door, I heard his dramatic footsteps. Shit, shit, shit. I quietly walked backward and signaled to the twins we needed to hide and fast. We frantically looked around. The twins split up from me, and I went to his room. I quickly slid myself under his bed. I hoped the twins found a good spot to hide. As I was trying to control my breathing so it was quieter, there was a door opening and footsteps walking to the bed. Then the bed dipped on the side opposite me. He took his shoes off and then lifted his legs onto the bed. I was really hoping he would get up soon and like go to the bathroom or something.

I was beginning to get tired. He hadn’t gotten up in a good 15 minutes. Just as I thought I would be standing Ron up again and I’d be underneath Snapes bed for the rest of the night, he got up. He went to his bathroom and closed the door. I got myself up as fast as I could and went to the living room. I very quietly said the twins' names. They both came out, and as George came out, he knocked over a cup. We heard a door open and we booked it. If we get caught that’s it, say bye-bye to life. There is no surviving after what we just did. The light in your eyes boom gone!

We ran and ran, and I could feel my side starting to burn. Soon, we reached a corridor where Fred and George pulled me into what looked like a secret room. It was very well blended into the wall. We hid for what felt like hours. Really, it was 40 minutes. When we left the room, we all walked back to the common room carefully. We were laughing, though, so we were not as careful as we should have been. I was so ready for tomorrow, I can’t wait to see his hair tomorrow. It's going to be hilarious. Then, since that took quite a lot of time passed, I grabbed my overnight bag and made my way to the library to get ready for me and Rons' apology sleepover.

Words: 825
Published: Sat, Mar 11

I don't think I've ever cried so much in one day than when I took the ACT. Literally wrist day of my life, but I was happy to go back home and begin to write this chapter for all of you! I love all of you doves!
- Your author

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