The Art Of You

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I turned off the dvd player and Ron dis-enchanted the fairy lights. We both put our hands over our mouth hoping whoever just tapped on the door would go away. After a moment there was another tap. At this point we both knew someone was definitely out there. We were going to get so much detention for this, at this point we had 2 choices. One we give ourselves up, possibly lose the hideout and get detention. Two we continue to try to hide in here and hope that the person goes away or is another student.

I looked at Ron and I knew what I was going to do, I'd let him choose for himself and wouldn't snitch if he decided to not come out with me. I gave him a look of apology and opened the 'wall', I crawled out of the door. Although the room was large the door was considerably tiny. I got up off my knees to find Remus leaning against the bookshelf diagonal of the door arms crossed. Once he caught sight of me he gave a small smirk and then frowned a bit. I knew we said time, but it seems as though the universe doesn't exactly want us to take time. I smiled letting him know it was fine.

"Just so you know I will have to give you detention for this, I don't quite want to, but you still are a student Y/N and rules do apply to you as well." He continued to lean against the bookshelf while talking to me. I couldn't help but admire how he looked in the dim of the library and his facial expression. I began to feel bad until I remembered that I was not with Snape anymore.

I know I said I could give him time. But I truly don't think I can. "Yes of course Professor I understand fully." I smiled and he pushed himself off the bookshelf. He motioned his head to follow him. I gleefully did. We began to walk out of the library silently and comfortably.

With this walk every step my body took the more I could feel these confusing feelings pushing their way back to the front of my brain with great strength. The more these feelings resurfaced the farther my subconscious pushed me from Remus. As if the space would stop the feeling of confusion.

The space that was continuously growing was full of hope. Hope that my feeling of relief would return once again. But to no avail.

"You seem distant, are you alright?" Remus inquired, how do I tell him that I'm in love with Severus, but given the time he has held onto his love for another diseased woman, I simply can't give him time. Also that he gives me a feeling I can't seem to unlock the knowledge of. There simply is no way.

"I'm thinking about the guy I was dating who's in love with another girl, do you remember?" Somehow I hoped he didn't and we would move on with a simple 'You deserve better, let's get you some tea' and then boom over. But of course it didn't go that way.

Instead he remembered very well. Considering the actions that took place that night. "Of course I remember, what about it?" This conversation was just full of questions wasn't it? See another question.

By this point we had made it to the door of his classroom which he opened for me. I walked in debating whether to confide in him about this certain situation more than I have already.

I decided that I might as well since I did bring it up in the first place. "Well when he told me about her how he was talking about her, it was just like he had thought about her every second every day. I had never heard him talk about anyone yet alone me the way he talked about her" I sat down on the chair he kept near a table for tea. He sat down across from me.

He looked at me sympathetically and frowned a moment. But as I declared the frown only lasted a moment. He began to smile. "He is only a stupid boy if he cannot see that you are art my dear. You don't speak much but you can lead such intelligent conversations. You find love in things that hate should lead. Your eyes hold something so deep, everyone needs to stare. You are pure beauty. You are art. He is but an empty paintbrush with nothing to add to your canvas." No one has ever made me feel the way that he just has.

Unexpected Affection Professor Snape x Reader X Professor LupinWhere stories live. Discover now