Part 6 - the new script

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Dice was standing on the stage in his new uniform.
(They where in the place where roll the dice is shown)
The building was completely empty and had only Dice standing on the stage and Devil sat on one of the chairs where the audience would usually sit, also while using a chair in front of him a foot rest.
This time however, Dices colour scheme had changed completely and was now wearing mainly pink and black. The dots on his face that where once purple where now pink and he was wearing eye contacts to make his eyes pink, all while wearing his new uniform.
Dice was fidgeting with the paper in his hand while staring intently at his Boss who was currently filing his nails and waited for Dice to do as he said.

"B-But Boss this is really inappropriate-"

Dice was cut off by the Devil.

"Do it or I'll have no choice but to fire you again."

Dice had quite the experience after the Devil fired him the first time so he didn't want to go through it again. Hence, he did as the devil said and started his introduction.

"Hello everyone, you may remember me as the once King Ding! Well I'd like to introduce a new show called 'pink dice'! It's a dating show but it has its.....perks?...."

Dice stopped with his scripts and looked up at the Devil who was staring at him. Without talking Dice looked at the Devil with a look that said 'what the?'.
In return, Devil made a hand gesture that told dice to carry on. Dice cleared his throat with and empty look on his face.

"It's a dating show but it has its perks! A room with dicks and chicks I must say! Now let's move to the next contestants!"

Dices voice died down and he stared down at his script as he squeezed it in his hand.
Devil scratched his chin as he looked at Dice. Devil didn't even absorb the fact that Dice didn't like this at all.
Dice felt nothing but and empty feeling. Looking down at his new script felt like watching his life crumble before him.
Dices eyes darted around his script, nothing felt real and he couldn't feel or hear anything for what seemed like minutes before Devil started talking.

"Its good enough, but I suggest you practice it more."

Devil walked out the room with his tail scraping behind him. He left Dice in a state of confusion. Dice didn't even look up at Devil as he left, he just stared at the script as he slowly began to cry. Dice didn't want this, his show wasn't meant to be like this. He wanted to make people laugh, but now his show was gonna have horny freaky perverts crawling all over it.

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