|05| Never Insult Dungeon People

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Chapter 5 x


"You look better today."

Dustin was waiting in the driveway when Christine came out the next morning. She stuck her tongue out at him as she collected her own bike, which made him grin.

"Mom made you lunch," he added, offering her a brown paper bag. "Just in case your power went out last night."

"Power? You guys too?"

"Yup. Killed everything in the fridge. Which sucks but means we get to have fluffernutters."

"Sick." Christine took the bag, stowing it away in her backpack. "My fridge is still going, but I don't say no to a fluffernutter."

"Man, brown outs are so lame," Dustin complained. "Blackouts are fun. That shit's exciting. Not being able to do some things is just dumb."

"Language, Dustin."


They set off together down the street. Dustin always pedaled faster than Christine, and had to loop around at every stop sign waiting for her to catch up. He'd tease her about being a slowpoke from time to time, but it was something they were both used to. They didn't bike to school together every day, but the ride was nicer with company.

"Did you talk to Nancy?" asked Dustin, pulling up beside Christine.

"Nope. Did you talk to Nancy?"

"Nope. I told you I wasn't gonna say anything. You might think bards are all show and charisma, but my word means something. Besides, she was being a real jerk yesterday. I offered her the last slice of pizza and she just slammed the door in my face."

"Don't take it too hard," said Christine. "It's me she's mad at, not you."

"Why is she mad at you? She's the one who kissed the guy. You should be mad at her."

"No, I shouldn't. She's my friend, and I love her, so I should be happy for her."

"But you liked him first, didn't you?"

"That's not how it works, Dust," she sighed. "You can't call dibs on people. They make their own choices."

"Yeah, but I thought your friends are always supposed to come first."

It took her a minute to come up with a response to that one. Christine pushed down the remnants of her rage, and steeled her resolve.

"They are. Which is why I'm not mad at her."

"You're not?" Dustin asked, glancing at her out of the corner of his eye.


"Not even a little bit?"


"Are you sure?"

"One hundred percent."

"So if you biked up to the high school right now, and Nancy and Steve were sucking face in the parking lot..."

"Oh my God, shut up, Dustin."

She flipped him off, and Dustin raised a warning finger. "Hey, watch your language! Your—Your hand...language. Shit."

Christine smirked at his fumble, and took the opportunity to change the subject.

"Hey, Mike said the new ham shack should be in soon. He wouldn't say if I was allowed to see it. You gonna put in a good word for me?"

"Oh shit! That's like today! Yes! Oh, hell yes!"

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