Episode 13

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As we entered the class my usual place was taken  by Haru and her teammates. "Let's sit there" Sang pointed towards the left corner. I hummed in response.

While the class was going smoothly, the office staff entered the classroom with a small note on his hands. He passed it to Mr. Daniel. He's our marketing professor. Mr. Daniel read the note with a curious expression as well as a bit of fear was also shown on his face.

"He- Sang" he paused. "Mr. Raymond is here to meet you. Please go to the teacher's office."
Sang left the classroom without replying Mr. Daniel.

Mr. Raymond!? Who's he? I've never heard of that name before. I saw a confused look on Connor's face. Seems like he know who Mr. Raymond is.

Mr. Daniel continued his class. During the whole time I was able to see the tension on Dain's and Zac's face. I was too curious to know who that person is, but this professor will eat me alive if I talk during his class.

After being impatient for the whole 1½ hour class I waited outside for Dain and Zac to come out.
Both of them saw me waiting outside and came to me. "Who's Mr. Raymond?" I asked. "Sang's dad".
Dain replied. "What? Dad! You mean our college's biggest shareholder?"

Zac let out a small laugh before asking. "How you know that?". "Is that even a question? Sang was the hot topic of the school media for  two weeks straight and there were many post of his Dad also saying he's the biggest shareholder of our university.But they didn't mentioned his name soo.." I replied.

"Ohh that was a new info." Zac said with a small informative nodd. "Soo why is he here now looking for Sang?" I asked. "We also don't know why. I'm a bit nervous it be honest." Dain lowered his voice while saying those words which was a bit unpleasant. "I'll get going guys. See you later." "Okay. Bye Bella, see you." Dain said and I walked away.

"Bella" I heard an cheesy voice calling  my name.
It was Haru coming towards me with a creepy smile plastered on her face. Her lips are glazing red because of her deep red lipstick and lip glows.
I turned my face sideways in annoyance.

"Hey Bella.. Let's have lunch together. My cousin and his friends wants to meet you in person. Let's go." Before I could say no, she started to pull my hands forcefully towards the cafeteria. "Let go off my hands Haru. I'm not coming." I tried to yank her hands off but she was holding me hard as possible. But soon she stopped after seeing a familiar figure in front of us.

"A-A-Alexa!?" Haru stammered. "Yes it's me". Lexi started to walk towards us as Haru's grip on my hands got loosened."Let me also come with you Haru. I would like to join you guys." Lexi  exaggerated her words. I was holding back my laughter after seeing Haru's face. I guess the force of Lexi's hands hadn't fade of from her face.

"I'll see you later." Haru mumbled and walked away as soon as possible. "So what's up?" Lexi asked me while smiling brightly. "God!!I'm soo done with those guys." I sighed. "Honey, I can see that on your face." She patted my shoulder. "Let's go to Aura, she must be waiting. Let's have lunch together." I said. Lexi nodded and came with me.

We met Aura and Gin in front of the college fountain. Not gonna lie our fountain was one of the main attraction of our collage. It is a statue of bids drinking water from small mudded pots and each pot over flows and fill the next one.

Aura came to Lexi and stared to talk about their work and things. But then I noticed Gin. He was a bit odd. I saw him passing glance to Lexi without her noticing. I snapped my finger on his face.
"W-what?" He flinched. "Where were you lookin at?" I questioned.

"No where!"

"Nowhere? You sure?"

"Ahh you're so annoying."
He walked off with a groun.

"What's with him." Aura asked as she was done talking. "No,nothing. Let's go get lunch."I said with a smile and started to walk."ohh, okay." Both Aura and Lexi followed me..

After class.

Gin's P. O. V.

I was walking to the near by convenience store to get a coc. Suddenly my phone rang. It was my mom calling."Hey mom. Why are you calling at this time? "

[On phone].
Mom: Do you remember leaving anything here while you were returning.

Gin: Hmm not really. What was it mom.?

Mom: Your Mac Book is here idiot. How you are studying without your lap

Gin: Ohh mom, it's my old one. I have the new one with me so I forgot to check about that. Oouchh!!!

Mom: Gin what happened. Did you get hurt?

As I was walking down the street carelessly talking to my mom, I bumped on to a girl and she fell off right away. Then I heard mom asking me did I got hurt. "No mom. I'll call you back when I get back. Bye." I hung up the phone immediately and helped the girl to get up.

My heart skipped a beat after seeing her face. "God Damn. Why are you always knocking me off." It was Lexi. She yelled at me in the middle of the street.

"Boy you fucked up."A stranger who was watching all our drama said while passing us. I turned my gaze towards Lexi and saw her palms bleeding. The ground was pretty hard that it can make scratches on your skin just by touching. Her both plams were bleeding because of those scratch ."Ohh crap you're bleeding." I said with concern and immediately took her hands in mine to look it closely. "Ohh really. All Thanks to you Mr. Gin." She said sarcastically. "I'm really, really sorry Lexi. I didn't mean to knock you off. I'm so sorry."

Looks like my apologizing worked. She looked at ne with a cute frown eyebrows. "Come with me. Lemme treat your wound." I hold her hand in mine gently and stared walking towards the convenience store to get some disinfectant and Band-Aids. "No need. It's just-"."Just stop talking and come with me Lexi." I cut her words off and said with a little worried tone. I don't know why but she still followed me like a child holding her dad's hand after getting scolded.

We reached the store and I told her to sit on those seating area while I take the medicine. She nodded and took a seat there. I bought some Band-Aids and disinfectant also with a small amount of cotton.

I hold her hand gently and started to dabb it softly with the cotton on which the disinfectant is applied. I saw her closing her eyes and hissing in pain. "Sorry for hurting you. I'll be gentle."
I said in that same worried and concerned tone.
"It's okay. You didn't mean to." She said with a cute little pout. I saw it and I felt something jumping inside my heart and a warm redness appearing on my face. I lowered my head more downwards to her hands not to show her my flustered face.

Will continue....

Hope you guys enjoyed. Please comment down you're personal opinions and suggestions. We're already close to 600 reads. Help me reach 1000 and more:) <3

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